Ah, thanks very much achow101! I'd seen getnetworkinfo before, but when I searched for it it seemed like it was an android function.
Here's what I get after changing Bitcoin to connect over :9150:
"networks": [
"name": "ipv4",
"limited": false,
"reachable": true,
"proxy": "",
"proxy_randomize_credentials": false
"name": "ipv6",
"limited": false,
"reachable": true,
"proxy": "",
"proxy_randomize_credentials": false
"name": "onion",
"limited": false,
"reachable": true,
"proxy": "",
"proxy_randomize_credentials": true
I'm not sure how to interpret this. It seems Bitcoin is reachable over all three networks. Don't I want ipv4 and ipv6 to be
"reachable": false
in order to ensure it's going over Tor?
(in case others are interested there's a related thread