Introducing... Veriphant — A system for verifying and storing data using Bitcoin Blockchain technology.
Veriphant allows you to irrevocably prove the existence and immutability of any data, in any format, in any size. Our technology provides the platform to create addition only databases called Veriphant Ledgers. Records within Veriphant Ledgers cannot be edited or removed. Records can be utilised to store unchangable plain-text, data, encrypted data, software application data, and more (Contact us to access our API). The processes we use are completely, provable and transparent. If need be (e.g. for regulatory, audit or legal reasons), you may contact us and we’ll help you to permanently refute anyone who asserts otherwise.
Snapshots of the full Veriphant Ledger database (Including any independent client ledger databases) are periodically made available for download; if you need a specific download at any time please contact us. Each snapshot is finger-printed and stored permanently in the Bitcoin Blockchain (We also store finger-prints of data in other novel places, such as nationally printed newspapers). Veriphant Ledger database snapshots are also hosted decentrally, which can be accessed via our ZeroNet site.
Please feel free to ask any questions.