I have tested many pools, I have been mining for a few years now and it is very hard these days to find a really profitable pool ...
I take the example of
2miners: 1% Fee & 1% MEV
Ethermine: 1% fee pool & 20% MEV
Hiveon: 3% Fee pool & 10% mev
And much more...
So if we take your two test pools, you already don't have the same level of fees ... so even if your software gives you more ETH, you also need the pool fees to be correct and the same!
I am currently on sparkpool and crazypool, and nothing to do with other pools: someone had the good idea to make a more realistic site of what I earn on the pools: https://www.miningpoolsprofits.com/ and as we say the figures do not lie, we can see that this pool is the most profitable!
So if you go with good mining software, good rig settings, good connection to you and the pool, and a pool that doesn't suck your profits, it's no secret you'll have the sum you want at the end of the day. and more
Whatomine announces a theory of:
0.0451 / 24H
I watch how much the pool (crazypool) gives me today
0.0668 ETH
The miningpool profit site
0.0615 ETH / 24H
I have 2 hours left to finish the day, we can still find a block ...
So a word of advice, take a good look at your pools, the "REAL" pool fees,
For my part I use Gminer and Trex
I win the same with both because the share rate is the same for a few shares. except one has 1% fees and the other 0.65%.
You have to think like a farmer, even you have the best agricultural machinery, seed, if the field where you are going to plant, the land is poor, you will not have a good harvest.
If you didn't believe me do the test on the top 5 pools on the site over a 1 week period, you'll see!
Good pick
I absolutely understand different pools will pay different based on what they pay and their fees, but that was not the purpose of my tests. It was to see two mining software mining on same exact pool at exact same time and then compare those results.