That's why you have to add other interactions and make feeding rather expensive.
Damn, if this thing would be real right now I would drop everything and just sit and play for hours
Imaging, all the people in cubicles - they watch youtube videos of cats, now they can play with cats!
Kids, whose parents don't allow them to have pets.
People who want to adopt a pet can now "try-before-you-buy" them
People, who leave animals in animal hotels while they go on vacations.
Possibilities are limitless!
And as robotics technologies improve, you can improve interactions. Send user's audio/video feed to the animal. Sell kits, so other people could setup this at home and interact with their pets from work...
I think somebody is already doing it. At least some basic kits for interaction with your own pet from work, I think I read a blog about it or something... Can't remember now.