We are glad to represent you our service of Viber PVA registration for sending.
Currently are available Russian and Ukrainian numbers. You can use Viber PVA for advertisement, for communication and information with your customers. If you would like to start, but don’t know how - just write us and we will help you
Our advantages:
- High quality and speed - we provide you up to 10000 PVA per day.
- Personal name and picture - you can personally choose what picture and name will be in PVA.
- Reliability - we give you 100% warranty on our product. We also sell PVE per one customer.
- Usability of the product - we use formats of the PVA you need for your soft.
- Benefit - there are 5 various packages which can help you to spare money.
- Support - we can show you how to use our PVA with your soft. We also will answer all your questions.
Our prices:
- less, than 500 PVA -$0.14 per one.
- more, than 1000 -$0.13 per one.
- more, than 2000 -$0.12 per one.
- more, than 5000 -$0.11 per one.
We also give 5 test PVA freely.
We accept bitcoin payments.
For other questions write us. Skype: Soc Factory, e-mail:
[email protected]Thank you for attention,
SocFactory team