Trade volume is interestingly high for such $90M market cap project. On binance, its daily volume is $121.237.000; on okex it's $77.287.700; on upbit it's $67.343.100 and these volume is high really.
I don't know if we missed an important news about the project.
2. Be Top of the Top
A total of 37,000 VIB will be distributed among the top 10 traders by VIB trading volume in the following way:
1st: 10,000 VIB
2nd: 7,000 VIB
3rd–10th: 2,500 VIB each
If you are talking about some 'big news', there is none. But good news only cause short-term bubbles.
The main reasons for the increasing rate are that recent progress was really good, adoption works well and even the event sector is in range.