sorry if this is invalid place to share it...
Just wanted to share my private script which will show you your current saldo in all currencies (this is normal in ViCurex) but will additionally show you your saldo recounted into BTC and USD using current selling prices.
What ya need:
[I will show how to run on Firefox, other browser also works, but dont have time to post detailed instructions]
1. Open up Firefox
2. If you dont have Firebug addon - download it and install in Firefox
3. Go here: - copy RAW Paste Data
4. Go to ViCurex -> login to your account
5. Press F12 - after few seconds Firebug should appear. It may be required to click "Activate Firebug..." on it if you dont see anything. You should be on "Console" tab.
5. On the bottom of Firebug`s window there is a place for a code - paste it there and press Enter.
6. On the top of Firebug you will see:
[list of your currencies saldo]
BTC [total amount in BTC]
BTC [total amount in USD]
Script is here: .
Have a nice day![/list]