There is no debate, they just want to fool people into thinking someone care about their freedom
The FBI is trying to leverage their brand image against Apple, and Apple has better PR people and they are flipping it around and turning it into a win because "Apple fights for your privacy!". The truth is they are both liars.
The FBI knows how to get into iPhones and is very capable. Fuck anyone with $50 can pay a service to get it cracked. This is script kiddy shit not national level intelligence. This was John McAfee's point. The FBI wants access to ALL IPHONES, not just criminals with which they have to use due process to access, that is why they are doing this. This is the same argument they used for mass surveillance of all communications. "Oh but going to court is too hard waaaa!". That worked out well for the American people and the world didn't it?
They can't demand it under the law, so they are playing dirty tricks to attempt to extort Apple into releasing the encryption keys and putting every iPhone owner at risk. Once it is out, it is out, there is no putting it back because it is hardware based. Also lets not forget all the finger print data they can scrape from these print scanner enabled phones... I am also willing to bet people at the NSA/CIA have already acquired this encryption key anyway like they usually do via fraud and other surreptitious means. All this has played out before with other products and companies if you care to read about it. It has not ended well even once.
The end result is everyone is less safe. Why should the government give a shit? That is just job security for them with more people screaming for help to save them from the hackers. Hackers which got their information DIRECTLY FROM GOVERNMENT DATABASES. They can't secure their own private information, what makes you think they can protect yours? Also who pays for it when it does get out? The FBI? Nooo, just the individual users who are exploited as a result, and to a lesser extent Apple because people will stop buying products known to be insecure.