Well there has to be an edge ..a fuzzy hard to see one we may never detect though.
Otherwise the big bang theory can't work !
Think of the big bang as a grenade that explodes..
There will be shrapnel spanning out in all directions
and not necessarily equally distributed etc.
But there will always be a center where it started from.
Way i see it *so far* is if there is a big bang theory then there has to be a center point.
But all scientists have ever said endlessly is there is NOT one.
Which is bad science unless i am missing a fundamental part of the picture here.
Not knowing where the center is ..does not mean there isn't one.
Saying that is far beyond bad science, it's just dumb.
Assumptions are bad science.
If Aliens ever came here i think they made a space ship that travels outside the realm of the universe.
It would be the only way we can think of to traverse the great distances in short time periods.
A Mexican scientist proposed a bubble we could put a ship inside that would be similar.
Scientists unanimously agree it's a respectable idea.. we just have no idea how technically to do it.
Science have long said for decades the guys idea does NOT violate the laws.. so it's plausible.
In other words a means of neutralizing the universe so you are essentially outside of it.
I always imagined an electronic system of counter energies..
For every positive particle that pushes on the space ship you generate another to neutralize it.
We can do this with sound etc already.. but i bet it would require massive amounts of energy and tech galore.
See why i brought that up ?
Being OUTSIDE the universe ?
If your outside of it then an outside DOES exist.. then there must be an "edge"
No matter how erratic hard to detect or fuzzy.
Take our countries borders for example they are all jagged lines pretty much.
I like how science works at it's fundamental base concept simplicity.
Ask.. check.. check again.
And always be ready to check again ..forever !
Google search Al Hazen
When others are worried about making sure they convince others of being right..
i am working hard at looking in the mirror looking for ways i am WRONG !
In other words i don't look for proof i am right..
i look for proof i am wrong.