The fees could still correlate to simply the value of those fees in USD increasing with price and SatoshiDice/Miners transaction fees increase.
Here's a moving average over the last year
Here's an economic bubble chart:
Why do you think that is your business? And why do you think that those in possession of such knowledge would share it with you? How much are you willing to pay for such research and analysis?
I think the 200 day moving average of transaction fees paid in USD is a pretty good representation of Bitcoin usage and adoption; because it represents an actual economic loss.
And if you do not have knowledge or information on who is using Bitcoin; can you imagine how annoying it must be to the CIA/FBI and others that have access to all the credit card and banking system data? Think of the information asymmetry they have in being able to front run markets, etc. Them, and you, being in the dark about the economic activity sure removes a lot of power.
Yeah, that's the thing, I don't see anyone buying other than for the hype, and I don't think anyone who would have such information should be required to share it. I'm proposing that no one has such information. No information anywhere disclosed, but plenty of people buying on the thought that someone must have information somewhere since all bitcoins keep getting bought.
People want to be rich overnight. Not going to happen. Even for shares in companies which appreciated greatly, it took years. Having part of the economy moving into Bitcoins will also be slow. Bitcoin is quick to transact, but that doesn't make business quick to switch. I remain long on Bitcoins in the long term, but the current price is out of whack.
I call for a price of 16-18 USD/BTC max, which should be where we'd be at weren't it for the parabolic curve we've entered out of nowhere.