Question and Answer update:
De-Listing Questions:
Terms and Definitions:
Registered Shares: The share certificates to be issued represent non-voting common shares with rights to receive dividends in either Canadian Dollars or Bitcoin.
Virtual Shares: Shares of symbol VTX on
De-list Date: Dec 31 2013 4:00pm(MST)
No promise was ever made to issue a dividend on a specific date. In my last announcement on Oct 1 2013 I indicated that the next dividend update will occur by March 31 2014(Q1 2014). At this time I cannot give a specific date for when a dividend will be declared or paid. Any registered shareholder of VirtEx will be able to accept any dividend payments in Canadian dollars or Bitcoin. There are no special classes of dividend exempt shares. If a dividend is declared or paid, the non-voting common shares as defined above and in this de-listing would qualify.
1) Havelock stated the sale of 10,000 units was for 10% of the company. This should mean as a holder of 200 shares that these certificates will equate to ownership of exactly 0.2% of the company. Does this remain true?
Yes at the present moment, but the company may raise additional capital by issuing new shares in the future.
2) How do I become a registered Shareholder?
All shareholders as of the de-listing date will be e-mailed on January 6, 2014 with instructions on how to become a registered shareholder. There will be no administration fee for this service.
3) Why should I become a registered shareholder?
To reflect your ownership interest in the company.
4) Why is your prospectus no longer posted and/or available?
We removed it as the first step in the delisting process.
5) What are the transfer rights of my registered shares, can I sell them to others?
Share transfers will be restricted in accordance with applicable law.
6) Will the de-listing process require me to pay or report capital gains?
Consult your professional advisor. Generally however capital gains are not incurred until a disposition has occurred.
7) Can you give more detail as to why you decided to de-list?
The virtual shares are being traded in an uncertain regulatory framework as it pertains to an Alberta Corporation. This uncertainty complicates and delays any additional investment and/or partnership. We intend to grow this company and pursue partnerships and investment offers and the conversion of virtual shares to registered shares is a necessary step to make that happen.
When will financials be issued and to who?
Annual financial statements will be issued to all registered shareholders and are planned to be released by March 31, 2014.