A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.
You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.
So I just received this from the forum Moderator?
is this forum aware that a scam and a virus are two very different things! a scam is a lot less SEVERE than a VIRUS am I right?
my questions is why do you think i should post this in the scamming section?
Please dont let the community get HACKED by this VIRUS!
EDIT : just realised it was a Self moderated topic, so the Dev was deleting my warning posts.