You're a fake,
franky1. What's worse is that you know it. Here's what I mean.
When somebody gets sick and is tested, if a virus is found to be the culprit, doctors need to have a bottom-line base somewhere. They need a foundational piece of tested knowledge that they can compare the tests of their patients against, to see and know for a fact that this is what their patients have.
It's like comparing parts. You take the test part from the patient, and you compare it to something that you know for a fact is a virus or bacteria. If the test parts are the same, he has the disease. If they are different, who knows what he has.
So, let's assume that viruses exist for a moment. Let's even assume that SARS-CoV-2 exists. In order for us to know that SARS-CoV-2 exists, somebody had to do some original tests to prove it.
The process for finding a virus includes several steps... I'm talking the original find. And these steps must be meticulously done so that there are no mistakes made, so that we don't identify something that is not the virus we are looking for. The steps include taking a sample of some body fluid, filtering it, separating it with a centrifuge, etc.
One of the most important steps is to take some of the supposed isolated virus, and inject it into at least dozens of people, but better, into several hundred, to see if any of them get sick. If they get sick just like the original test subject, then the same kinds of fluid need to be taken from all of them, and filtered, and centrifuged, and compared with whatever was taken from the first guy.
Only when they all come up with the same part (virus) comparison as the first guy... only then do we know that we have the right virus.
Of course, if they don't get sick, we need to go back and test the first guy some more. Or we know that the virus was something that only harmed the one guy.
Throughout all of this, meticulous records need to be kept. They will be used by other doctors to do comparisons when they have sick patients, so they can know which virus the patients have.
If you know what you are talking about, find us an original test report, + the reports from injecting into the several hundred patients, + the reports of those patients showing that they all got sick, all were tested in the same way the first guy was, and all had the same virus.
And don't just throw some links up in a post. Show us wording from the links that prove that the original virus taken from the original sick guy, was injected into the other dozens or hundreds, and that they all got sick, and that their tests showed it was the same virus as the first guy.
You are copy-paste capable, aren't you? I mean, if you can't copy-paste, maybe a buddy could do it for you. Show us a foundational test report, and the part of the report that proves the virus even exists and is dangerous and able to infect other people. I'm talking about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and testing like I briefly explained, above.