Folgende Mail gerade in den Spam-Ordner Erhalten. Nicht öffnen, nicht herrunterladen:
Dear Mt.Gox user,
Our database has been compromised, how you already know.
To protect your account in the future, please download the Certificate (self-extracting archive) from Attachment and install it.
If you were using the same password on Mt.Gox and other places (email,, etc),
you should change this password as soon as possible.
Please accept our apologies for the troubles caused, and be certain we will do
everything we can to keep the funds entrusted with us as secure as possible.
Any unauthorized access done to any account you own (email, mtgox, etc) should
be reported to the appropriate authorities in your country.
The Mt.Gox team
Angehängte Datei: MTGOX_client.exe
Die Emailadressen sehen fast gleich aus - diese stammt NICHT von Mt.Gox!