★ Veredictum Marketing Campaign ★
We are delighted to release the first phase of the Veredictum Marketing Bounty Campaign. Our Crytocurrency token, VENTANA (VNT), is the subject of our Token Sale.You can see in the Veredictum cyrptocurrency model, we have allowed for 10m VENTANA tokens to be used for marketing purposes. To support our Token Sale, we will make available 20% of the marketing tokens for supporters and promoters of our project.
3 VNT = 1$
Veredictum Marketing Campaign Pool = 2,000,000 VNT tokens
The Marketing Bounty Campaign will run until the close of the Veredictum Token Sale — September 11, 2017 08:59 am UTC.
How will the Marketing Campaign Pool work?
1.Marketing Bounty members sign up for the individual social media channels they wish to be involved with and will be rewarded in VNT Tokens that will be allocated once we have completed a successful Token Sale.
2.We will allocate VNT tokens against targeted activities within our main social media channels:
3.Below, you will see the individual criteria for you to qualify for each of the social media channels and the rewards available for each of the channels and its targeted activities.
4.The list of members for each channel will be updated and analyzed once a week and posted on our website.
5.Each member will be rewarded with Ventana Bounty Points every week based on their performance in each social media channel. When the Veredictum Token Sale period is finished the Bounty Pools for each channel will be distributed among all campaign participants by the number of Ventana Bounty Points each member has earned.
6.The reward will be in VNT Tokens.
Veredictum YouTube Bounty Pool — 300,000 tokensBecause we are re-thinking film and video distribution, video is an essential part of our marketing activities. We have produced great content and we want to spread it far and wide.
The Rules:
Each member must subscribe on the official Veredictum YouTube Page here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC0xM8-98iMZfgm0ueKj22w
To qualify for the bounty pool, each member should make at least 3 comments per week on the videos and repost the video links on their social media pages during the campaign period. (Warning: NO Spam comments will be allowed. If you post spam comments you will be removed from the bounty campaign)
Each participant should make a short video reviewing the Veredictum project — maximum two minutes and share it with your social media followers.
Please note the best review video as judged by the Veredictum team at their sole discretion at the end of the Token Sale will be rewarded with 2,500 VNT tokens.
Sign Up for the Veredictum YouTube Bounty: https://goo.gl/forms/zwRD8EApH9tm57S52
Veredictum’s Blog Pool — 300,000 tokens
We will produce regular daily, high quality material.
Each participant should subscribe on the official Veredictum Medium page — our blog: https://medium.com/veredictum
Each participant should like (or they call it a clap on Medium) all our content, which will be put up daily
Each participant should share the Medium content to your social media accounts — twitter and facebook.
To qualify for the pool you must make at least 5 claps per week
Sign Up for the Veredictum Blog Bounty : https://goo.gl/forms/I7kJUt9uzuZenn2n2![](https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fs30.postimg.org%2Ftznn73dmp%2Ftumblr_inline_nhphxm97a81t8sxly.png&t=615&c=IQbZ8Ttv5njlNA)
Veredictum BitcoinTalk Signature Bounty Campaign –300,000 VNT tokensCode for Jr Member
[center]▧[url=www.veredictum.io][b] Veredictum.IO ★ ANTI-PIRACY & CONTENT DISTRIBUTION PLATFORM [/b][/url] ▧[/center]
Code for Member
[center]★[url=www.veredictum.io][b] [font=Perpetua Titling MT]Veredictum[/font].IO [/b][/url]★
●●●●●●●●●●● [b][url=veredictum.io]Decentralised[/url][/b] [b][url=www.veredictum.io]Anti-Piracy[/url][/b] ●●●●●●●●●●●
●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● [b][url=http://www.veredictum.io]Content Distribution Platform[/url][/b] ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
Code for Full Member
[center]◉[url=http://www.veredictum.io][b] [font=Perpetua Titling MT][color=#626363]Ver[/color][color=#797979]ed[/color][color=#909191]ictum[/color][/font][color=#A4A4A4].io[/color] [/b][/url]◉
[color=#02C2B9]●●●●●●●●●●●[/color] [b][url=http://www.veredictum.io][color=#02C2B9]Decentra[/color][color=#02DCD2]lis[/color][color=#02C2B9]ed [/color][/url][/b][b][url=http://www.veredictum.io][color=#02C2B9]Anti-Pir[/color][color=#02DCD2]acy[/color][color=#02C2B9] & content[/color][color=#02DCD2]Distribution Platform[/color][/url][/b] [color=#02DCD2]●●●●●●●●●●●[/color]
[color=#922C03]●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●[/color] [b][url=http://www.veredictum.io][color=#922C03]ICO IS[/color] [color=#A63103]LIVE[/color][color=#BA3703]Is[/color] [color=#CD3C02]JOIN[/color] [color=#E04001]NOW[/color][/url][/b] [color=#E04001]●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●[/color]
Code for Sr Member
[center][url=http://www.veredictum.io][b] [size=20pt][color=black]◉[/color] [font=Perpetua Titling MT][color=#626363]Vered[/color][color=#797979]ict[/color][color=#909191]um[/color][/font][color=#A4A4A4].io[/color] [color=black]◉[/color][/size] [/b][/url]
[color=#02C2B9]●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●[/color] [b][url=http://www.veredictum.io][color=#02C2B9]Decentralised [/color][color=#02DCD2]and[/color][color=#02C2B9] Anti-[/color][/url][/b][b][url=http://www.veredictum.io][color=#02C2B9]Piracy[/color][color=#02DCD2] Content[/color][color=#02C2B9] Distribution[/color][color=#02DCD2][/color][/url][/b][b][url=http://www.veredictum.io][color=#922C03][/color] [color=#A63103] Platf[/color][color=#BA3703]o[/color][color=#CD3C02]rm[/color] [color=#E04001][/color][/url] [color=#E04001]●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●[/color][/b]
Code for Hero And Legendary Members
[center][url=http://www.veredictum.io][b] [size=20pt][glow=black,1][color=white]◉[/color] [font=Perpetua Titling MT][color=#D2CECE]V[/color][color=#C1BEBE]e[/color][color=#AAA9A9]re[/color][color=#D2CECE]d[/color][color=#C1BEBE]ict[/color][color=#AAA9A9]u[/color][color=#D2CECE]m[/color][color=#C1BEBE].[/color][/font][color=#A4A4A4].io[/color] [color=white]◉[/color][/glow][/size] [/b][/url]
[glow=black,1][color=#02C2B9]●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●[/color] [b][url=http://www.veredictum.io][color=#02C2B9]DECENTRALISED ANTI-PIRACY & CONTENT DISTRIBUTION PLATFORM[/color][/url] [color=#E04001]●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●[/color][/b][/glow]
Veredictum Bitcointalk Translation Bounty Campaign — 300,000 VNT tokensRules:
Each participant must be a profile rank of at least “Jr. Member”
Each participant should translate the BitcoinTalk.org Veredictum ICO Thread, Whitepaper, create a National Veredictum thread on BitcoinTalk, and publish the translation as well.
Following languages are welcomed: Spanish, French, Italian, German, Chinese (Traditional), Japanese, Korean, Indonesian, Russian, Polish, and Hindi (We are open to suggestions for other languages).
Sign Up for the Veredictum Bitcointalk Translation Bounty Campaign: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfYnZtmpV5vpjMu53iMJY3E4Pdn6YE_ElhHCDW9F7zfJ8ujzw/viewform
Check your Status here:
Veredictum Facebook Bounty Campaign Campaign –200,000 VNT tokens
Veredictum Twitter Bounty Campaign — 200,000 VNT tokensRules:
Each participant of the Twitter Bounty should have at least 150 followers
Each participant should “Follow” the official Veredictum Twitter page: https://www.twitter.com/Veredictumio
To qualify for the bounty, each participant must retweet at least one of Veredictum’s posts every day.
Each participant must create an original post from their own account and tag @veredictumio with a link to our ICO http://tokensale.veredictum.io. Must use hashtags #changethegame #ventanatoken
Sign Up for the Veredictum Twitter Bounty Campaign : https://goo.gl/forms/ERMbR5jJh6kuw6mN2
Veredictum Reddit Bounty Campaign — 200,000 VNT tokensRules:
Each participant of the reddit bounty should have a minumum of 100 comments and link karma.
Each participant should subscribe to the official Veredictum sub Reddit http://reddit.com/r/ventanatoken
Each participant should upvote on the official Veredictum Reddit Thread.
To qualify each participant should make at least 10 comments per week on the thread. (Warning: NO Spam comments allowed, you will be removed from the campaign).
Sign Up for the Veredictum Reddit Bounty Campaign : https://goo.gl/forms/1sYOKDfEXhy4RvR93
Veredictum’s Winners’ Enclosure — 100,000 VNT tokens
The Winners’ enclosure pool is for the top 3 performing members of our Bounty programme:
#1 — whoever has the highest number of Bounty points at the end of the Token Sale 60% of the pool
#2 — whoever has second highest number of Bounty points at the end of the Token Sale gets 25% of the pool
#3- whoever has third highest number of Bounty points at the end of the Token Sale gets 15% of the pool 5%
Veredictum’s Extra Mile Prize Pool — 100,000 VNT tokens
The “extra-mile” prize, as determined by the Veredictum team for an individual member (or collection of members) who have shown the greatest effort to go that extra mile to furthering the values of Veredictum. This prize will be offered at Veredictum’s sole discretion.
We’d like to welcome you to the Veredictum Marketing Bounty Pool. If you have any questions, please contact out community manager, Adriana at adriana dot belotti at veredictum.io