News flash, the price isn't based on fundamentals. There are no fundamentals. Bitcoin adoption has nothing to do with the price. Bitcoin adoption won't cause Bitcoin USD value to go up. They're not even related.
Yes. Fundamental value is based on adoption as a currency, which is driven by it's utility. Bitcoin is better at being a currency than anything else mankind has ever had. Volatility is only temporary.
....It's full of day traders, investors, speculators and manipulators.
What market isn't? All of these players provide liquidity.
Fundamental value isn't based on adoption. People using it as a currency do the following.
Buyer wants to buy something that's $50. He buys $50 worth of Bitcoins and sends them to the seller. The seller sells the bitcoins and sends the good/service to the buyer.
That transaction, at it's fundamental level, works the same if Bitcoin is worth $5000 each or 5 cents each. Whether the buyer buys/sends 100000 BTC or 0.0001 BTC it doesn't really matter. People using it as a currency aren't buying more then they need and holding. They're using it as a currency not to become an investors/trading. The seller sells the BTC right away, he's running a business not becoming a day trader / speculator. Buying $50 of BTC and then selling $50 BTC a short time later isn't going to drive the market up. BTC currency transactions are pretty much market neutral.
There isn't a rise is BTC value or a drop in BTC value that had ANYTHING to do with adoption or usage. Never. Ever. Hasn't happened. You're a fool if you believe that.
My point was those "players" are driving the price, because there are no fundamentals. It's people playing the market, pushing around the price, influencing supply/demand to make money. Which is the scary part about BTC, it can be wildly popular, 5000% growth in adoption/usage, and the market price could be $5. That wouldn't matter to the people using it as a currency one bit. If BTC crashes to $5 tomorrow, the same amount of people will use to buy/sell goods as the day before. The belief that the exchange / market / mining needs to be profitable in order for BTC to succeed is a fallacy created by those people.