Plus, I'm bored, and I'm trying to stay awake until starts working again.
I will use the exact question being wagered on at BitBet. I'm not a miner, and haven't followed the situation closely enough to make an educated guess myself, so I will abstain.
"Butterfly Labs aka BFL will deliver ASIC Bitcoin mining devices to their customers before 1st March 2013. Devices must be in scope of +-10% of advertised performance in order to be accepted as valid."
Please vote if you have an opinion on the matter. Poll closes February 25th.
as the pole speaks for itself they will deliver delay in march
more lies and empty promises
and if in case they start to deliver in april will the be the 2 weeks worth of orders
between june23 2012 and jully 8 2012 by there own admision
second batch 1 month later will coever orders from jully 8 to august5
and so if u dint order first few months ur deliver date will fall somwhere around december santa time
if ur lucky not hickups like 1 month bumping time