Yeah, looks like you have to login, to start the viewer. But looks to me the web viewer is very unreliable (within 2 minutes of running it, it hit a secuirty warning page and stop viewing sites), so it would need to use the application instead. They only have a Windows application at the moment, and all my VPS are linux based. I don't think I could provide a Windows VPS at the same cost. I am going to fire up on now and do some testing, will get back to you.
Ok, don't worry about it then if it is too much of a hassle.
On your website it shows that paypal is the only payment option available, how do I go about getting a 1 month slot for BTC?
I will still check into it and you got Skype? PM me a way to get a hold of you and we can work something out. I would still need you to sign up on the site and at least get to the PayPal check out part, so that way a invoice is created.