
Topic: Wake Up! Your Fears Are Being Manipulated. (Read 517 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 08, 2020, 08:21:32 PM
^^^ You are so clever Kiss

You are finally seeing what is really going on, and gradually moving yourself into place, like you knew it all along.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
now look who is panicking

your about 2 months too late for that worry.
people bought the toilet rolls when that fake script came out months ago...

seems your always a bit late to read the fake scripts and paste them..
your posts always come out with pasted scripts months after they been debunked

give it another couple months and you'll come around to the conclusion everyone else made that farmers still farms and truck drivers still drive

oh a quick heads up tip just to save your worry..
there is actually enough toilet roll for everyone..
another tip. diarrhoea is not a big symptom so your not going to need to buy more then any other month
i am only giving you these tips to try and catch you up a lil faster to the actual current issues..

i think you have been stuck in the december2019 month for a while where there was no pandemic.. so atleast your post todays seems like your in january.. a small step in the right direction
but do hurry up.. the rest of us are living in april
.. ah one last tip.. if your scripts your reading on your favourite cult sites have a date.. find the source of the info it hints at. make sure its from a credible expert with first hand experience . and then. make sure its not stuff from march or before

it hopefully will save you alot of time
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
New update. Walmarts are about 1/3 empty. Many other stores are almost 100% empty. Factories and production has shut down. Soon there will be no more food, except in the fields, but there will be nobody to to pick the food or to ship it, because transportation is going down. Soon there will be mass starvation... except for the Mexicans that pick the crops... they'll eat what they would normally pick and ship.

sr. member
Activity: 2338
Merit: 365
new update. 400,000 sufferers of the corona...
The United States is in a big crisis
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

With respect to the vid about the use of practice dummys by mainstream media to sell the 'everybody is dieing' narative, here's some follow-up which provides good insight into how the social media giants deal with their role as keepers of the public perception.

1) Take an undesirable vid and put it on a different channel

2) pump the views on the alternate channel so that the original provider does not get attention

3) kill off the vid as much as possible on the fake channel.

I got a kick out of the fake channel name they used: "LA Meth Witch"

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
the panic is known
they are saying it. and its been showing evidence for years ..
hospitals cant cope as is. they are not prepared for a flood of respiratory distressed patients coming in all in one go.

There is no Coronavirus or Covid-19 panic. There is talk-about-them panic. Mostly the hospitals are emptier than ever. But it is fun feeling the thrill of letting the media rule your life, right?

All over the USA there are small towns that are 50 to 150 miles away from big, metropolitan centers. People go on weekend outings to these small towns, sort of like mini-vacations. Some of them go camping. Some of them go to see the countryside sites.

Walmart has taken advantage of this. They have built big WM stores in many of these little towns. Why? Because the weekend people are always forgetting stuff to take along on their trip. Others of them intentionally leave stuff at home so they don't have to spend time packing it, because they know there is a Walmart where they are going. Walmart makes a fortune off these people.

Guess who works at these tiny-town Walmart stores? Average people who get to visit with thousands of big-city people on a regular basis.

Guess who aren't getting any sicker than usual? Average Walmart workers who get to visit with thousands of big-city people on a regular weekly or daily basis.

The whole pandemic is a hoax. It's a lie. Walmart is proving this to us.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
the panic is known
they are saying it. and its been showing evidence for years ..
hospitals cant cope as is. they are not prepared for a flood of respiratory distressed patients coming in all in one go.

you might thing that 5% severity is low chance of harm to you personally
but if arizona has 7mill population.. and only 1500 ICU beds and 15,000 other non critical care beds

you can do the maths right
well 5% of 7m=35,000....... oh look not enough beds for everyone to get sick all at the same time

if you know there are only 15k normal hospital beds and only 1.5k specialist beds
do you want 35k getting sick at the same time..
or would you want to space it out abit
you know get people to self isolate to prevent the spike from going to 35k and instead only being say 7k at a time (because other patients for other medical reasons need beds too.)
do you understand yet. now that i have used actual numbers of an area that should atleast be a bit more personal to you. do you see the problem

if hospitals had 100k beds and say 10k ICU beds.. well then isolation would be less of a need to implement because hospitals can handle it the patient numbers better

but do you atleast see the the rational reason..
yea 7million wont be severe/critical but if 35k are sick and half of them wil get turned away and told to suffocate at home.. im sure you will be first to protest. especially of one of those turned away was someone you knew and liked
if you want to get energised and theorise lots of antigov, anti big pharma.. how about start with the actual reality of the actual problem.. underfunding hospitals
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Panic does not make sense; panic does not solve the problem, but only exacerbates them. After all, everyone will agree with me that solving problems is easier when you do it calmly. If you lead a healthy lifestyle and if you have no problems with the lungs, then this virus is not a threat to you.

In the original Star Trek series, Kirk was out of the picture for the moment. Spock was acting captain. Spock calmly and logically tried this and tried that to get them all out of the situation they were in, and save Kirk's life. After a time, when everything failed, Spock broke and became panicky emotional.

Later, after everybody was saved, Bones prodded Spock a little about the fact that he lost it, and became emotional. Spock's response was that when all logic failed, the only logical thing left was to become emotional.

Panic has its place. It's just that we don't know where that place is.

Activity: 5
Merit: 0
Panic does not make sense; panic does not solve the problem, but only exacerbates them. After all, everyone will agree with me that solving problems is easier when you do it calmly. If you lead a healthy lifestyle and if you have no problems with the lungs, then this virus is not a threat to you.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Poor wanky1 boo-hoo'ing because the bolognavirus scamdemic crisis is falling apart.

no wonder your so flawed if thats the type of videos you follow...

I like to take a break from scientific research sometimes, and I find such commentary to be a relaxing tonic.

Seems like it may be another reincarnation of Actin' Dave Acton.  Whatever the case, I doubt if it will last more than another few days on Jewtube.  Especially if buttholes like me make links which Joogle's crawlers will find.  Enjoy it while it lasts I guess.

I shouldn't really pick on him. But the ideas that franky1 has, absolutely DO sound reasonable at times. But you can easily tell that they aren't. How can you tell? He doesn't even know how to capitalize sentences, or punctuate properly, or proofread for spelling (maybe hasn't activated the spell checker in his browser), or use reasonable sentence structure... and worst of all, he likes to pick on people rather than prove or disprove what he says and what they say.

So, it's easy to see that he doesn't know what he is talking about, even if it looks like he does now and again.

The fact that he is doing these things shows that he is a troll with a different identity than the one he is trying to promote in his posts.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
Poor wanky1 boo-hoo'ing because the bolognavirus scamdemic crisis is falling apart.

no wonder your so flawed if thats the type of videos you follow...

I like to take a break from scientific research sometimes, and I find such commentary to be a relaxing tonic.

Seems like it may be another reincarnation of Actin' Dave Acton.  Whatever the case, I doubt if it will last more than another few days on Jewtube.  Especially if buttholes like me make links which Joogle's crawlers will find.  Enjoy it while it lasts I guess.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
Poor wanky1 boo-hoo'ing because the bolognavirus scamdemic crisis is falling apart.

no wonder your so flawed if thats the type of videos you follow and think the narrator has more medical credence and personal experience of what its like in an ICU..

hey fun fact. many years ago in this very forum i was saying how the NHS was underfunded.
many patients who go to hospital complain about how things are in hospital
and that was in 'normal time' conditions

there are ACTUAL STATS that show compared to the year 2000.. beds went to 50% less beds by the year 2013..
this was propagandised as being caused by migrants filling up the beds. but the reality was there were less beds
this was not some massive corona sparked propaganda. this was just seeing how the treasury budget has been slimming down the NHS budget for years. conspiracy people blaming migrants
this is looking at official stats. not youtube social influencers
this is actually visiting hospitals and seeing the difference of ward layouts as years pass..

so if you think that its some propaganda fakery where there is no sick people. or where you think there are unlimited beds that come in through magic portals from other universes.. you keep playing that stupid sef entertaining game..

but there are and have actually been issues and real things to worry about
by the way.. that guy in the vid. is not even a good heckler.. you should try better
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

Poor wanky1 boo-hoo'ing because the bolognavirus scamdemic crisis is falling apart.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
if you actually want to be constructive and put our energy into something useful for others..
here goes

realise that the current medical treatment that has some effectiveness to reduce the death numbers has side effects.
in the UK for instance its a big known thing that the antivirals can actually do more harm to pregnant women and immunosurpessed people. which is why in the UK those special toprisk group definetly dont want to get it. because if they end up in hospital the hospital cant do much to help

so this is the main group that i would advocate would want to wait it out and hope for better treatment or a vaccine. they definetly dont want to be at risk every season

the amount of ventilators and staff to cope is not enough if everyone got it within a small tme(no isolation)
so argue that the hospitals have been underfunded by governments if you want to push an anti-gov stance.
actually accuse them of things that have actual real world harm.

however by you pretending its a nothingburger and its fine that people should die if they get their face licked by stupid people. is a foolish waste of energy to be subtly pushing
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
There is not even agreement within the medical community about what a 'covid-19 death' actually is.

ignore the conspiracy, shill medical people paid to be featuresd on your faux new you link.

the actual medical community of ICU doctors and nurses on the front line actually do know.
its the respiratory distress caused by corona

actual ICU doctors can recognise the difference between respiratory distress due to a virus compared to a panic/asthma attack.
they have different treatments for it.

there is actually some science involved and its not just whimsical magic men throwing spells at patients who have a certain bloodtype.

so forget what you learned from youtube from guys that are social influencers that set up a faux news studio and where they are not ICU doctors
please actually do some research away from your conspiracy sources.

and then realise your tone of your messages is to try to convince people they should rebell and go out of their house and start doing silly things. which is a sure-fire plan to cause more people to get it.

i know personally you will hide at home, but you will want others to risk themselves.
its as if you want governments to trigger a full on martial law with actual punishments of being shot for being stupid. just so you can make a rant about how harsh the government acted. not realising its stupid people that dont care about consequences of themselves or others. you know irresponsible people.. that are the cause
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

Touching prayer for yet another of the departed...

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Not too many years ago, doctors would have call this whole CV thing pneumonia.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
I know people who are sick with sars-cov-2 and whom have had family members die.

But if you're so confident that this is all outright fake,  I'm willing to make an enormous bet with you... care to suggest some terms?

I'm tempted because of your record betting on the cypherdoc thing.  Don't remember the precise details, but it didn't seem like it worked out well for you.  At the very least I'm sorry for the people who gained confidence from your bet on the guy.

I don't happen to believe that this 'covid-19' thing is an "outright fake", but I am perfectly satisfied that there is a hell of a lot of fakery going on around it.

Another problem is there is absolutely no way to get anything remotely resembling a trustworthy number because of the above.  There is not even agreement within the medical community about what a 'covid-19 death' actually is.

Another problem is that there are a ton of people who are so convinced that the world NEEDS mandatory vaccinations and unique identification and tracking for every global citizen that a little bit of fraud in order to achieve this necessary-for-humanity goal is acceptable.  I find it interesting that everyone here so far 'has a friend' who's has family who died.

Yet another problem is that no matter what we've seen so far, it is in my mind more than likely that we'll see worse released in the future in order to achieve a variety of social engineering goals now that the peeps are on the stampede.

I'm with Anthony Fauci when his audience is other doctors rather than Joe Public:

Quote from: fauci-lead
If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968)...

I'm with a lot of other people when asking whether the real goal was to destroy the economy and this was a handy excuse to do so.  So-called "creative destruction" which is so hip with the cool kids these days.

Lastly, although I don't scan commits any more I assume you are still working on Bitcoin.  If so, I don't want to distract you to much because we're going to need that solution big time I fear.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
badecker advertises himself as a bleach swallower.. then when called out on his failing pretends its the other person that does it.
heck he does it about the freeman cult HE is following. pretending its the rest of the population folowing it.

.. to badecker: you got caled out already.

this self isolation is temporary. i know you think its doeme to immunise everyone now. its not. its to delay how fast people get now.
the isolation wil be relaxed and yes it wil be slow. they dont want thousands of people per town sick
(math: 4m LA pop= 40k potential sick)
they cant cope with having 40k sick all in one 8 week space

if you think once isolation is making people immune to just go back to work and business as usual. your wrong again.
this thing will go on for many more months and go on in many stages.
this means be prepared to have isolation relaxed and then tightened in stages.

this is not time to think business as usual in 2 weeks and if not blame government corruption of wanting to 'eugenic' the population/become dictators.

this is government trying to prepare and ensure when people do mingle the amount of deaths can be minimalised.

yes media are not saying the full scope and treating this self isolation period as the death toll crisis. but thats because if they told the world the actual spread is yet to come. people would truly panic

Known protections from CV and lots of other things:
- Zinc
- Vitamin C
- Rest
- Exercise
- Good diet
- Stay away from the medical where people die right and left all the time.

Activity: 4242
Merit: 8672
I know people who are sick with sars-cov-2 and whom have had family members die.

Sure, in plenty of places, there aren't many sick yet-- just because of there hasn't yet been enough time and/or because they started up distancing early enough relative to their infection to stop the spread there. This is especially the case in less dense locations because with less personal contact the disease naturally spreads more slowly. In other places-- dense places with lots of international travel-- a tremendous number are already very sick.

We have these great big brains so that we don't need to personally get sick to understand there is a disease spreading.  

With exponential processes the rate of increase also grows exponentially.  On the first day, 1 person is infected. One person per day? It would take 6 billion years to infect everyone! On the second day, three people are infected... Who cares, at that rate it would take 2 billion years to infect everyone. On day three nine people... day four 27 people... by day 20 (in this example) a million people per day are infected, and so on.

So an exponential process tends to look like irrelevant nonsense until it suddenly eats your fucking lunch.

This is why a few weeks ago people were saying crap like "this has only made 50 people in the US sick who cares". ... and now in NYC alone there are now more than 10,500 hospitalized and 1562 dead. Many who are currently hospitalized will die-- the disease takes a little while to kill. It's now guaranteed that more people in NYC will die then died in the 2001 WTC collapse-- which everyone accepts was a huge freaking tragedy.  Weeks ago this outcome was obvious and inevitable to anyone who did the math.

Virus spreading in susceptible populations behave exponentially until around 40% have been infected, and then they stop looking exponential because they start to run out of new victims.

Back on Feb 28 when it was clear by the first couple cases that there was uncontrolled spread in the US, I sent out an analysis to a number of friends predicting hundreds of thousands to millions dead, depending on how quickly we react... recommending that they stock up on supplies so that they can reduce their exposure risk until we've better at treating it and in case hospitals in their area overload.  The disease has tracked very close to my projections, and unfortunately many places did not react particularly quickly.

But if you're so confident that this is all outright fake,  I'm willing to make an enormous bet with you... care to suggest some terms?
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276


This is interesting.  ABC news using a dummy at the LAX shooting hoax still has the dummy as the vid still, but it is removed from the actual vid:

No mind.  Jeff C's vid is still around and it is a lot more fun:

Activity: 2828
Merit: 1514
It's not a matter of people's fears being manipulated more-so stupid people being manipulated. You sell religion to a bunch of stupid people that are weak minded with nothing going for them in their life and you have a cult.
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
badecker advertises himself as a bleach swallower.. then when called out on his failing pretends its the other person that does it.
heck he does it about the freeman cult HE is following. pretending its the rest of the population folowing it.

.. to badecker: you got caled out already.

this self isolation is temporary. i know you think its doeme to immunise everyone now. its not. its to delay how fast people get now.
the isolation wil be relaxed and yes it wil be slow. they dont want thousands of people per town sick
(math: 4m LA pop= 40k potential sick)
they cant cope with having 40k sick all in one 8 week space

if you think once isolation is making people immune to just go back to work and business as usual. your wrong again.
this thing will go on for many more months and go on in many stages.
this means be prepared to have isolation relaxed and then tightened in stages.

this is not time to think business as usual in 2 weeks and if not blame government corruption of wanting to 'eugenic' the population/become dictators.

this is government trying to prepare and ensure when people do mingle the amount of deaths can be minimalised.

yes media are not saying the full scope and treating this self isolation period as the death toll crisis. but thats because if they told the world the actual spread is yet to come. people would truly panic
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
So, now you think that people who aren't in the hospitals need a hospital release? What? Do you think the medical has turned the whole world into a hospital somehow? Keep it up. We're having fun. Cheesy


i think he bleach is making you blind. might explain why you cant research if u cant read properly

Even at Walmart the bleach is gone off the shelves. So, you think that it is the bleach that is making people blind. Well, at least you are getting the idea. People are being manipulated to become blind to the truth that CV isn't the danger... that government control is the danger.

Put your bleach away as soon as you can. The longer you use it, the less chance you will have for finding the truth.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
So, now you think that people who aren't in the hospitals need a hospital release? What? Do you think the medical has turned the whole world into a hospital somehow? Keep it up. We're having fun. Cheesy


i think he bleach is making you blind. might explain why you cant research if u cant read properly
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
So you think hospitals are going to discharge folks in this pandemic? We're way beyond that stage.

do you even research
those with minor ailments are not even going into hospital.
those who have recovered are getting discharged

dang it.. even you have been talking about people who recovered and got released when you and your conspiracy buddies were trying to do sales pitches for megadoses of minerals

i really think your memory is impaired now. this is not the first topic where you forget things when it suits your narrative


So, now you think that people who aren't in the hospitals need a hospital release? What? Do you think the medical has turned the whole world into a hospital somehow? Keep it up. We're having fun. Cheesy

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
So you think hospitals are going to discharge folks in this pandemic? We're way beyond that stage.

do you even research
those with minor ailments are not even going into hospital.
those who have recovered are getting discharged

dang it.. even you have been talking about people who recovered and got released when you and your conspiracy buddies were trying to do sales pitches for megadoses of minerals

i really think your memory is impaired now. this is not the first topic where you forget things when it suits your narrative
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Anyone who is a hospital resident, or is a relative of a hospital resident, has the right to rescind his signature on any hospital agreements he made, thereby removing himself from the contract with the hospital.

This means that the hospital is required to allow the resident to leave.

If the resident doesn't want to leave, he is bound by his contract with the hospital.

So, what is the problem? No problem. We have the right to contract. Your points don't even apply to free people.


look at you try and fail to understand things. you even try to legelese it to try(but fail) to sound like you know something

ill dumb it down for you.. you need it
in common real life terms its called a discharge form... yep its common practice. its no secret
in common sense. people with minor ailments/vistors need to be allowed in, in the first place to then be a patient... which due to a common knowledge thing called self isolation. hospitals are not even letting in people for routine stuff.

what your not realising is when hospitals are all trained up and supplied up. the government will release some of the self isolation rules for some activities. to let people mingle. and where 1% of critical people ned a hospital they will be ready.

those who are critical will actually be critical and actually want medical help.. if you personally dont want medical help.. then fine stay in your basement and not dial 911 if you become critical in the future. thats your free choice.

So you think hospitals are going to discharge folks in this pandemic? We're way beyond that stage.


EDIT: How did you find out that I have a basement? You need to be sued for invasion of privacy.
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
I just listened to Trump trying to convince everyone that corpses were streaming out of Elmhearst (Queens) in freezer trucks. 

it takes yo like a month for something new to sink in. so i suppose you are still in the trumps announcement of back to business in 2 weeks speaches.
im guessing in 4 weeks youll change your tune.

now here is the thing
it is not a 100% of people will die.
its like a 0.1%

but when a population is 300,000million.. .. thats still alot of people. and those people should not be ignored.
a few million people will need critical care. again they are prepping for this.
thats the whole point of self isolation. not to make people magically immune in their basement. sorry your basement does not have that power.
its to delay people getting it. yep that means people will get it later.
again only small percentages will suffer when they get it.. but the numbers on scale are too small to ignore.

atleast wise up and search beyond the youtube/blog sites you frequent
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
Anyone who is a hospital resident, or is a relative of a hospital resident, has the right to rescind his signature on any hospital agreements he made, thereby removing himself from the contract with the hospital.

This means that the hospital is required to allow the resident to leave.

If the resident doesn't want to leave, he is bound by his contract with the hospital.

So, what is the problem? No problem. We have the right to contract. Your points don't even apply to free people.


look at you try and fail to understand things. you even try to legelese it to try(but fail) to sound like you know something

ill dumb it down for you.. you need it
in common real life terms its called a discharge form... yep its common practice. its no secret
in common sense. people with minor ailments/vistors need to be allowed in, in the first place to then be a patient... which due to a common knowledge thing called self isolation. hospitals are not even letting in people for routine stuff.

what your not realising is when hospitals are all trained up and supplied up. the government will release some of the self isolation rules for some activities. to let people mingle. and where 1% of critical people ned a hospital they will be ready.

those who are critical will actually be critical and actually want medical help.. if you personally dont want medical help.. then fine stay in your basement and not dial 911 if you become critical in the future. thats your free choice.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

if you think this is all over and its business as usual and no harm done in 2 weeks your fooling yourself and listening to trump too much.

Wow!  Scary!  I guess you better to continue to hide out in your mom's basement then, loser.

I just listened to Trump trying to convince everyone that corpses were streaming out of Elmhearst (Queens) in freezer trucks.  That's one of the hospitals which figures prominently in the empty hospital footage.  I think that was the one where CBS used Italy footage in their spook the herd psy-op, but I don't remember for sure.

This kind of psy-op with fake news stories and crisis actors and the like is old hat to us who've been watching the fake-ass school shootings and what-not.  The main difference between Obama and Trump is that while Trumps team took half a year or so off, when his guys started back up again they did it using real bullets.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

I like the last hospital of many shown:

I like the name of the hospital, and I like the big sign saying 'Hospital Disaster Drill in Progress'.

Wake up sheeple;  You're getting scammed.  Sad but true.  Remember, the same people responsible for this scam will be the ones responsible for whatever is in the vaccines they are going to try to force you to take.

check out the website of the corona medical centre
'LIMITED VISITATION — Be an Advocate for Your Loved One’s Care
The following is in effect until further notice:
At this time, we have suspended visitation for the health and safety of everyone in our care. Visitors are not permitted in the hospital, including the ED (with limited critical exceptions).
Most community health education programs offered by the hospital in the near term have been canceled/postponed; please follow the hospital on Facebook for updates.'

.. as for the disaster drill..
thats called training. being prepared.

what your not realising is USA is not ready for the 99% infections meaning hundreds of thousands of critical/dying.
this self isolation is to delay a spike. and get things ready

if you think this is all over and its business as usual and no harm done in 2 weeks your fooling yourself and listening to trump too much.

Anyone who is a hospital resident, or is a relative of a hospital resident, has the right to rescind his signature on any hospital agreements he made, thereby removing himself from the contract with the hospital.

This means that the hospital is required to allow the resident to leave.

If the resident doesn't want to leave, he is bound by his contract with the hospital.

So, what is the problem? No problem. We have the right to contract. Your points don't even apply to free people.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534

I like the last hospital of many shown:

I like the name of the hospital, and I like the big sign saying 'Hospital Disaster Drill in Progress'.

Wake up sheeple;  You're getting scammed.  Sad but true.  Remember, the same people responsible for this scam will be the ones responsible for whatever is in the vaccines they are going to try to force you to take.

check out the website of the corona medical centre
'LIMITED VISITATION — Be an Advocate for Your Loved One’s Care
The following is in effect until further notice:
At this time, we have suspended visitation for the health and safety of everyone in our care. Visitors are not permitted in the hospital, including the ED (with limited critical exceptions).
Most community health education programs offered by the hospital in the near term have been canceled/postponed; please follow the hospital on Facebook for updates.'

.. as for the disaster drill..
thats called training. being prepared.

what your not realising is USA is not ready for the 99% infections meaning hundreds of thousands of critical/dying.
this self isolation is to delay a spike. and get things ready

if you think this is all over and its business as usual and no harm done in 2 weeks your fooling yourself and listening to trump too much.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
to denounce the whole 'empty ER' conspiracy.

people go to ER waiting rooms even just to see a consultant about a wood slinter in their finger.
if you did not realise it. most countries are in ockdowns.

people are told not to go for usual check-ups and minor complaints. heck even people with just a cough and fever are told to stay home..
this is called social distancing.

only those with severe life threatening symptoms get the priority treatment.
yep in the UK boris johnson. the prime minister was not handed off to the NHS or even a luxury private hospital ward. he was told although he the most important person in the UK. to stay home, rest up.

people having breast cancer mamograms have had their appointments cancelled. those having dental checkups . and other routine stuff.. cancelled.

so yes you will find the public seating area of general waiting rooms empty.
as for the acute respiratory /icu wards.. there is no 'just walk in' process
even relatives cant get into the ward if their loved one is having respiratory issues..

however.. in china. their 'fullness' of ICU is subsiding(on decline) as they are over the first wave.
but once self isolation rules are relaxed. expect it to change again.

as for places like america. they are still on the incline.

but hey it seems a few people in this topic are just drinking too much bleach to actually think beyond the conspiracy theory and actually put critical/skeptical/myth busting thought to it to even dare try finding other info

There is a much bigger virus out there than Coronavirus. What is it? It is called fear.

People have been so conditioned to trust just about anything, that they trust the medical/media/government to tell them the truth. The standard fear caused by medical/media/government hype and lies is the real virus.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

I like the last hospital of many shown:

I like the name of the hospital, and I like the big sign saying 'Hospital Disaster Drill in Progress'.

Wake up sheeple;  You're getting scammed.  Sad but true.  Remember, the same people responsible for this scam will be the ones responsible for whatever is in the vaccines they are going to try to force you to take.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
to denounce the whole 'empty ER' conspiracy.

people go to ER waiting rooms even just to see a consultant about a wood slinter in their finger.
if you did not realise it. most countries are in ockdowns.

people are told not to go for usual check-ups and minor complaints. heck even people with just a cough and fever are told to stay home..
this is called social distancing.

only those with severe life threatening symptoms get the priority treatment.
yep in the UK boris johnson. the prime minister was not handed off to the NHS or even a luxury private hospital ward. he was told although he the most important person in the UK. to stay home, rest up.

people having breast cancer mamograms have had their appointments cancelled. those having dental checkups . and other routine stuff.. cancelled.

so yes you will find the public seating area of general waiting rooms empty.
as for the acute respiratory /icu wards.. there is no 'just walk in' process
even relatives cant get into the ward if their loved one is having respiratory issues..

however.. in china. their 'fullness' of ICU is subsiding(on decline) as they are over the first wave.
but once self isolation rules are relaxed. expect it to change again.

as for places like america. they are still on the incline.

but hey it seems a few people in this topic are just drinking too much bleach to actually think beyond the conspiracy theory and actually put critical/skeptical/myth busting thought to it to even dare try finding other info

lets put it into context
one of the 'filmyour hospital' showed central LA deserted.. yes thats called self isolation, stay home unless critical policy.

LA stats show 7200 ICU beds across over 365 hospitals in the LA area (~200 a hospital)
LA citizen poplation is 4m
this means if 1% get mild corona. thats 40,000. if 6% get severe thats 2400

there are other patients with other critical issues. like heart attacks and other non corona stuff. who need wards isolated away from ICU wards cor corona.
thus if a third of wards are corona only. then the wards are full.

now imagine if 99% of people didnt self isolate.
the number of critical would be far far far far worse than 2400 critical patients in LA.
and thats the whole point of stay home unless critical. to stop the spread happening in one go.

so yea public streets and public waiting rooms will be empty. but america is getting ready for the onslaught of new infections once the next round starts.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
So, George Carlin died, didn't he? Something else is killing us, not germs and viruses. Watch the video. We're being played, by the media and the medical and the government.

Fear Of Germs - What Would George Carlin Think Now

George Carlin (May 12, 1937 – June 22, 2008) was an American stand-up comedian, actor, philosopher, author, and social critic. He was known for his black comedy and reflections on politics, the English language, psychology, religion, and various taboo subjects. Widely regarded as one of the most important and influential American stand-up comics of all time. This audio clip comes from his George Carlin's audiobook, "Napalm & Sillyputty", which was published in 2002.

Fear of GERMS - George Carlin

sr. member
Activity: 854
Merit: 267
★★ Fun BTC Casino!
Trust me guys, just think for yourself, what you think is right and wrong will help in making sound decisions, you know when you are manipulated when you have a common sense and what you believe in is contradicting to the current situation.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
When you talk about governments, there are all kinds. They don't all operate the same. However, the more you get government out of it, the more success the nation will have.

Governments are made up of people. Most of the time they aren't down grubbing in the dirt like the people are. So, government people don't really know what the needs of the people are. But often, gov people try to steal from the masses in their own nation.

Monty Python - Repressed Citizen

Activity: 4
Merit: 0
What is your opinion on Lock Down countries and do you think government is doing enough from their side by providing Meals and monthly wages to daily worker? And what are the other supports and precautionary measures do we need from our government?
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
so which conspiracy is it?

that china is under counting the infected and there are many more infected on ventilators that are just not reported by china government/WHO.

Here's some footage from China.  Watch closely or you might miss it:

the truth is self isolation went too well.. but now as they relax the rules. a resurgence will pop up and another period of new admittances to hospitals would occur.

The flattest of the flat is Japan (and no, not their breast size.)  They must have had a truly viscous lockdown to get such outstanding results I'll bet:

Oopsie Daisy.  Sorry about the demise of your hoax.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
so which conspiracy is it?

It's the fact that there isn't any CV pandemic! At least not one that anybody has any proof of. At least not one that is more than hearsay.

Do some research before you blab -

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373


Some titles at  Tue Mar 31 23:15:48 PST 2020 Taiwan time on a 'sort by date' and going back about 7 hours:

 - #EmptyHospitals #FilmYourHospital Several Hospitals are NOT warzones

 - CoronaVirua Hoax - CoronaHype - Fake News - #FilmYourHospital

 - German Doctors Explain Corona Virus Hoax - Empty Hospitals - #FilmYourHospital - CoronaHype

 - #FilmYourHospital Push the Truth Needle, what is the Reality, I Hope They Stay Empty

 - Americans Ask Why Are Hundreds Of Hospitals Are Empty #FilmYourHospital Goes Viral

 - #filmyourhospital

 - Film Your Hospital - Nevada

 - Video Americans Ask Why Are Hundreds Of Hospitals Are Empty #FilmYourHospital Goes Viral

 - #FilmYourHospital

Really GREAT!!! Cool

I watched


EDIT: Say, tvbcof. Are you downloading any of the videos at that link? I would think that Youtube will take them down after a while, because there is too much politically inappropriate stuff in them.
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
so which conspiracy is it?

that china is under counting the infected and there are many more infected on ventilators that are just not reported by china government/WHO.

or that they implemented self isolation in february and so no one was licking door knobs to then get it in march to be hospitalised this week.. thus temporarilly closing off the wards as not needed right now

the truth is self isolation went too well.. but now as they relax the rules. a resurgence will pop up and another period of new admittances to hospitals would occur.

what your not realising is that is the plan
curb the spike of the first round. use the month+ of the first round to get excess supplies ready for the next round.

do you really think UK/US are now making more ventilators to be ready in a few weeks if the UK/US is saying its near the peak..
no.. its near the peak of just the first round

 UK/US here
 v__   ___  ___      Yet to
/     \/      \/     \     come
      china here
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276


Some titles at  Tue Mar 31 23:15:48 PST 2020 Taiwan time on a 'sort by date' and going back about 7 hours:

 - #EmptyHospitals #FilmYourHospital Several Hospitals are NOT warzones

 - CoronaVirua Hoax - CoronaHype - Fake News - #FilmYourHospital

 - German Doctors Explain Corona Virus Hoax - Empty Hospitals - #FilmYourHospital - CoronaHype

 - #FilmYourHospital Push the Truth Needle, what is the Reality, I Hope They Stay Empty

 - Americans Ask Why Are Hundreds Of Hospitals Are Empty #FilmYourHospital Goes Viral

 - #filmyourhospital

 - Film Your Hospital - Nevada

 - Video Americans Ask Why Are Hundreds Of Hospitals Are Empty #FilmYourHospital Goes Viral

 - #FilmYourHospital

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Here is the real problem, and governments are promoting the problem rather than the solution. Check the article for links.

Wake Up! Your Fears Are Being Manipulated

Jones was the charismatic founder of the cult-like People's Temple. Through fear-based control, he took his followers' money and ran their lives. He isolated them in Guyana where he convinced over 900 of them to commit suicide by drinking cyanide-laced grape Kool Aid. Frightened people can be made to do anything. They just need a Jim Jones.

So it is more than a little scary that media zampolit Rick Wilson wrote to his 753,000 Twitter followers: "People who sank into their fear of Trump, who defended every outrage, who put him before what they knew was right, and pretended this chaos and corruption was a glorious new age will pay a terrible price. They deserve it." The tweet was liked over 82,000 times.

The New York Times claims that "the specter of death speeds across the globe, 'Appointment in Samara'-style, ever faster, culling the most vulnerable." Others are claiming Trump will cancel the election to rule as a Jim Jones. "Every viewer who trusts the words of Earhardt or Hannity or Regan could well become a walking, breathing, droplet-spewing threat to the public," opined the Washington Post. Drink the damn Kool Aid and join in the panic en route to Guyana.

The grocery store in Manhattan, just after the announcement of the national state of emergency, was pure panic. I saw a fight break out after an employee brought out paper towels to restock the shelf and someone grabbed the whole carton for himself. The police were called. One cop had to stay behind to oversee the lines at the registers and maintain order. To their credit, the NYPD were cool about it. I heard them talk down one of the fighters, saying, "You wanna go to jail over Fruit Loops? Get a hold of yourself." Outside New York, sales of weapons and ammunition spiked.

Panic seems to be something we turn on and off, or moderate in different ways. Understanding that helps reveal what is really going on.

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