
Topic: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion - page 14294. (Read 26606819 times)

hero member
Activity: 750
Merit: 601
For anyone looking for some Sunday afternoon fork action,  I just completed two fork dumps which have recently become dumpable.

1) BTCP (Bitcoin Private) I used the electrum client from  from
Sell on (Currently about $60/BTC)

2) UBTC, Client from  sell on  (Currently about $16/BTC)

You got a bum price if you used okex. It's trading about 2x on Can confirm able to withdraw BTC from there without verification.

There's a great site to see which exchanges to use for airdrops: Note, you can filter the exchange list by coin also.

I tried all the exchanges and I ended up with Okex because it was the only one that worked for me today, even now doesnt work, but you are right Okex is the worst price for UBTC, better check the others just in case they are working for you.

Feels a bit sad all these forks coming to and end, its been real nice while it lasted.
The only ones I'm waiting on now are Lightning Bitcoin (LBTC) & Bitcoin Atom
Activity: 187
Merit: 25
For anyone looking for some Sunday afternoon fork action,  I just completed two fork dumps which have recently become dumpable.

1) BTCP (Bitcoin Private) I used the electrum client from  from
Sell on (Currently about $60/BTC)

2) UBTC, Client from  sell on  (Currently about $16/BTC)

Thanks mate.
Managed to do UBTC but BTCP doesn't support segwit wallets and since the fork happened after I moved my coins to a Segwit enabled address I am screwed until they release a wallet that can do segwit.
By then the price will undoubtedky tank as usual.
Activity: 2842
Merit: 1511
For anyone looking for some Sunday afternoon fork action,  I just completed two fork dumps which have recently become dumpable.

1) BTCP (Bitcoin Private) I used the electrum client from  from
Sell on (Currently about $60/BTC)

2) UBTC, Client from  sell on  (Currently about $16/BTC)

You got a bum price if you used okex. It's trading about 2x on Can confirm able to withdraw BTC from there without verification.

There's a great site to see which exchanges to use for airdrops: Note, you can filter the exchange list by coin also.
hero member
Activity: 1834
Merit: 639
*Brute force will solve any Bitcoin problem*
Good morning Bitcoinland.

Still bouncing along in the $9k range I see... currently $9200USD/$11783CAD (Bitcoinaverage).

Ho hum.

How long did the withdrawal symptoms last, and how bad were they?

I was pretty angry and irritable for a solid 6-8 weeks before I started chilling out.

I guess I'm lucky. I quit a 2-pack-a-day habit 33 years ago almost by accident.

I caught such a nasty cold/flu/pneumonia I was in bed for 3 days barely getting up to re-hydrate myself and go to the can.

When my fever broke and my mind cleared, I realized I hadn't had a smoke in 3 days. I didn't need to quit. I just needed to not start smoking again.

Quitting is not an action. Smoking is. All you need to do to quit is to not do anything. To smoke you need to acquire tobacco and fire, light the cigarette and inhale. Unless you're actively smoking, you've already quit. Just don't start again.

I suffered no withdrawal symptoms. Maybe I had them when I was in my feverish delirium and wasn't aware of them.

I also didn't suck out like a whiny little crybaby and totally avoid tobacco smoke. I continued to mix a little tobacco in the occasional hash doob. I chose to sit in the smoking sections of smoking-segregated restaurants and in the smoking cars of trains.

I found that non-smoking sections were full of anti-smoking fussbudgets and I find secondhand stress far more offensive than secondhand smoke. The smoking sections generally have a higher caliber of people. I also found that people take their annoying brats to the non-smoking areas.

Quitting is easy. Just don't smoke.


Activity: 1764
Merit: 1031

Quitting is not an action. Smoking is. All you need to do to quit is to not do anything. To smoke you need to acquire tobacco and fire, light the cigarette and inhale. Unless you're actively smoking, you've already quit. Just don't start again.

Very Zen. I can see that might apply to a whole load of other things. "I am no longer an alcoholic", "I don't cheat", "I'm not a murderer". Smiley

Re: the despairy bearishness that is seeping in here: I like it, as to me that's a nice contrarian indicator. Is there a good reason to think that giant capitulation candle on 6 Feb actually wasn't?
jr. member
Activity: 138
Merit: 6
Breaking:  China's Congress has passed a constitutional amendment that removes presidential term limits, allowing President Xi Jinping to remain in office indefinitely.

Breaking: Communism (*cough* Fascism) working exactly as intended.

Now wait until he crowns himself Emperor and it is complete... .

pain in usa ass...  Grin Grin     70 years of usa pentagon proxy wars,military coups, and other .. is on end ..   war profiter will eat salt
sr. member
Activity: 854
Merit: 307
Breaking:  China's Congress has passed a constitutional amendment that removes presidential term limits, allowing President Xi Jinping to remain in office indefinitely.

Breaking: Communism (*cough* Fascism) working exactly as intended.

Now wait until he crowns himself Emperor and it is complete... .
full member
Activity: 384
Merit: 117
This looks like a cup and handle formation
Activity: 4200
Merit: 4887
You're never too old to think young.
Good morning Bitcoinland.

Still bouncing along in the $9k range I see... currently $9200USD/$11783CAD (Bitcoinaverage).

Ho hum.

How long did the withdrawal symptoms last, and how bad were they?

I was pretty angry and irritable for a solid 6-8 weeks before I started chilling out.

I guess I'm lucky. I quit a 2-pack-a-day habit 33 years ago almost by accident.

I caught such a nasty cold/flu/pneumonia I was in bed for 3 days barely getting up to re-hydrate myself and go to the can.

When my fever broke and my mind cleared, I realized I hadn't had a smoke in 3 days. I didn't need to quit. I just needed to not start smoking again.

Quitting is not an action. Smoking is. All you need to do to quit is to not do anything. To smoke you need to acquire tobacco and fire, light the cigarette and inhale. Unless you're actively smoking, you've already quit. Just don't start again.

I suffered no withdrawal symptoms. Maybe I had them when I was in my feverish delirium and wasn't aware of them.

I also didn't suck out like a whiny little crybaby and totally avoid tobacco smoke. I continued to mix a little tobacco in the occasional hash doob. I chose to sit in the smoking sections of smoking-segregated restaurants and in the smoking cars of trains.

I found that non-smoking sections were full of anti-smoking fussbudgets and I find secondhand stress far more offensive than secondhand smoke. The smoking sections generally have a higher caliber of people. I also found that people take their annoying brats to the non-smoking areas.

Quitting is easy. Just don't smoke.
Activity: 3780
Merit: 5429
Breaking:  China's Congress has passed a constitutional amendment that removes presidential term limits, allowing President Xi Jinping to remain in office indefinitely.

Breaking: Communism (*cough* Fascism) working exactly as intended.
Activity: 2772
Merit: 2846
How long did the withdrawal symptoms last, and how bad were they?

I was pretty angry and irritable for a solid 6-8 weeks before I started chilling out.

 I quit 13 years ago and I'm angrier and more irritable than ever.  I'm pretty sure i'm also dumber but dont let that sway your decision to quit smoking;  you'll be better for it.

Trading the Bitcoin markets could be making you angrier and more irritable than ever. Tera says it made him ill.

At least Bitcoin trading doesn't give you increased flatulence, nausea and intestinal cramping (unless you just lost $1 million).
Activity: 3808
Merit: 7912
How long did the withdrawal symptoms last, and how bad were they?

I was pretty angry and irritable for a solid 6-8 weeks before I started chilling out.

 I quit 13 years ago and I'm angrier and more irritable than ever.  I'm pretty sure i'm also dumber but dont let that sway your decision to quit smoking;  you'll be better for it.
Activity: 2772
Merit: 2846
How long did the withdrawal symptoms last, and how bad were they?

I was pretty angry and irritable for a solid 6-8 weeks before I started chilling out.

Relax buddy, you don't need to be irritable and angry all you need is to inhale and exhale. Being angry and irritable is a symptoms of stressed...

No, being angry and irritable when giving up smoking are withdrawal symptoms. Other symptoms are physical, and can include increased flatulence, nausea and intestinal cramping.
Activity: 196
Merit: 20
How long did the withdrawal symptoms last, and how bad were they?

I was pretty angry and irritable for a solid 6-8 weeks before I started chilling out.

Relax buddy, you don't need to be irritable and angry all you need is to inhale and exhale. Being angry and irritable is a symptoms of stressed, avoid simple things that makes you annoying to lessen your problem. you need to cool down and patience i'm sure that things bothering will you will be resolve at the right time.
Activity: 3808
Merit: 7912
Im probably leaving the market within a week in my final distribution. AMA
Is this humour?
if yes - haha
if no - why leave?
Its 10 time less profitable to trade in these kinds of conditions so its an optimal time to reduce the risk of holding funds on exchanges and take a break from the immense stress, risk, and sleep disruption of trading. Also I am now financially set for 2 decades and have chronic illness. If I decide to go after money again and may be via a business or software project like making a new coin or an exchange and possibly not via trading.
Thanks for clarifying. Very best of luck.
(A server hosting company/ISP that one could actually trust would make a lot of money.)
You said AMA, but this is sheer nosiness: what chronic illness?

I seem to remember lyme disease.

Not to get personal or anything..
Some kind of slow polyneuropathy like what happens when you have diabetes. According to ILADS doctors and their alternative testing its lyme and/or bartonella but it might be something else. I also had vitamin B6 toxicity and I have a list of other things I wont share. 2 years ago I was the epitome of health and was running 10Ks

 I dont mean to pry but I'm curious about the B6 toxicity.  I'm assuming you must have been using supplements in order to hit toxic levels but since it is a water soluable vitamin and you were doing long distance running, you could have taken much more than the recommeneded daily allowance without any ill effects.  Most oral B6 supplements are in the range or 50-250 mg  which is 25-125 times the RDA (athletes and body-builders could still require those amounts).  How much were you taking and for how long?  Were you injecting?  Ive alwas been under the impression that it would be nearly impossible to hit toxic levels of the water-soluable vitamins.

full member
Activity: 179
Merit: 100

some of his questions are interesting... (not radix lol)

What's wrong with radix? genuinely interested, as I've heard a little about it before and it sounded somewhat non-scam like.
When I last looked it was a target for botnets and sybil attacks and was claiming turing-completeness which is idiotic (verging on scammery).
Ideologically also for me, all alts are irrelevant, not least because of the Lindy effect and centralisation around a weird bloke from Stoke-on-Trent.

Do you know when it was that you last looked? I might take a look myself to see if those things have changed.
end of 2017. ish

Probably not much different then.

" was a target for botnets and sybil attacks" 
Response:  Nope.  You didn't fully understand it then which is understandable.  The ver 2 of the Tempo whitepaper will cover how these attacks are mitigated.

"...a weird bloke from Stoke-on-Trent"
Ad hominem isn't exactly a logical way to write off a project.  You might want to post your questions/concerns in the Telegram group.  We are happy to respond to them.
hero member
Activity: 1806
Merit: 672
The utility side of Bitcoin sucks! Angry

I just paid less than 10 cents for a Bitcoin transaction, and I didn't even use SegWit.
That really sucks man. Gone are the days where I need to pay 20-30$ transaction fees for sending 10$ to my gambling site account. But jokes aside I am really happy seeing this kinds of network fees again, more reason for establishments who pulled out earlier to come back and accept Bitcoin again. This can be another good call for other businesses to accept Bitcoin for the first time.
hero member
Activity: 750
Merit: 601
For anyone looking for some Sunday afternoon fork action,  I just completed two fork dumps which have recently become dumpable.

1) BTCP (Bitcoin Private) I used the electrum client from  from
Sell on (Currently about $60/BTC)

2) UBTC, Client from  sell on  (Currently about $16/BTC)
full member
Activity: 266
Merit: 222
Deb Rah Von Doom
because the bounce from 6k was too hard for it to go all the way back down this quickly. it needs to go sideways (or up) for longer and form a nice curvature.

A nice curvature down you mean I assume?

About the AMA, I do have some questions if you would be so kind to answer....

1) What is your approximate average number of trades daily/weekly/monthly?

2) Do you do lots of small (almost insignificant trades, like 1% of your holdings of each coin for each trade) or do you go BIG on your trades?

3) Do your trades follow a predefined strategy according to TA or whatever and you stick to the plan..... or do you constantly monitor your positions and make quick changes constantly?

4) DO you use leveraging?

I would have much more questions.... but don't wanna abuse Smiley
1. It varies. On a big day when a big coin is bouncing around I can make several trades in one day. On the other hand I can be stuck in one small cap altcoin trade for up to 2 weeks. Also, whether my base currency is mostly btc or mostly usd shifts about once per month.
2. 10-40% per trade depending on volume. If it's 40% it might actually be the same trade in 3 different coins because the whole market is moving. The only time I invest 1% is in an ICO.
3. I dont trade according to rigid rules like forex traders. My trading is very dynamic. Even some of the indicators I am looking for are dyanmic like 'im going to wait til it decelerates', or 'im going to wait til i see this much volume and the walls are moving like this'.
4. I dont have access to btc/usd leverage. I sometimes use  2x or 3x leverage with altcoin trading but that is only in that one account and not with all my holdings.

My trading is crazy and I wouldnt reccomend it to anyone.
Activity: 1862
Merit: 1530
Self made HODLER ✓
Todays books arent that bad. I looked a couple weeks ago and they were down to 70M , while btc was UP. It was weird.

Yeah it has been some time I have been noticing the books being thin... But... now it is only like 500BTC to 9950 at Bitstamp.

P.S.: Now less than 500BTC to 10050
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