So The Dream is to have One Money to Rule Them All?
Not the dream - the promise. Hence 21M.
And this obsession with "inflationary." So hard for me to understand.
If 1 BTC buys me 1 Cow today, 2 Cows a year from now, and 4 Cows the year after that, I don't care about base money inflation.
You describe the properties of a deflationary money. Again, the promise. If currency units are created willy-nilly, there is inherently inflation. You're speaking against yourself.
Your first mistake. If the sum total of money has decreased (deflationary money), but the number of Cows has decreased harder, my deflated Money won't buy more Cows; It will buy FEWER Cows.
If, OTOH, 1 BTC buys me 2 Cows today & only 1 Cow tomorrow, I also don't care if the sum total of biitcoins has doubled or halved.
Do you?
Yes, I do. i do not want my store of value to lose value over time. As do most rational people.
Define "value"
What is it that you're trying to store, exactly?
protip: Currency is not wealth. 'Stuff' is wealth. The amount of 'Stuff' in existence, plus created, is not determined by the amount of currency units. As more and more currency units chase after the same amount of 'Stuff', each currency unit buys less 'Stuff'.
Allow me to share a tip also: "The amount of 'Stuff' in existence" fluctuates. It can increase or decrease. If it increases proportionally to the increase in base money, your Money buys you roughly as much as it did before. If "The amount of 'Stuff' in existence" decreases, your Money will buy you less.
The interrelation between these two quantities is called "monetary policy," "... the process by which the monetary authority of a country controls the supply of money, often targeting an inflation rate or interest rate to ensure price stability and general trust in the currency."
Assuming that non-inflationary, or deflationary, currency means that your money will buy you more in the future is folly; life don't work like that. That's why *THE WHOLE WORLD* is relying on inflationary currencies, and NOBODY on deflationary. Because it's a recipe for failing economy.
Either that, or because Saurian Jews.
I posit to you that for the majority of Bitcoiners, the 21M cap figures very heavily in their decision to get involved.
Yes, the majority of Bitcoiners now. They also can't spell or form coherent thoughts/sentences. Because the dregs. Because lack of education. Because not much different from MMM/other ponzi "investors."
It wasn't always like that.