
Topic: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion - page 20550. (Read 26607137 times)

Activity: 3920
Merit: 2349
Eadem mutata resurgo
tarmi's still holding that 258 short? ...
Activity: 2380
Merit: 1823
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
^Adam posted, so down we go Sad
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1037
Trusted Bitcoiner
we've been on the up and up for a while now, a welcome change of pace. And it doesn't look toppy to me... >350 by next week, and  >32,000$ < 2 years  Cool

hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 531
Crypto is King.
there is no long or short in bitcoin ... you are either in bitcoin or you are out of bitcoin.

That's just money.
Activity: 3920
Merit: 2349
Eadem mutata resurgo
there is no long or short in bitcoin ... you are either in bitcoin or you are out of bitcoin.

That's just money.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
No one is selling, up we go.

Please tell me you're joking. I worry so...
Activity: 4200
Merit: 4887
You're never too old to think young.
full member
Activity: 183
Merit: 100 Administrator
No one is selling, up we go.
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 531
Crypto is King.
The thing I don't get with this MMM thing is, how do broke ass people living in shacks in South Africa get anywhere near an exchange that counts?

South Africa? Isn't that the place with all the gold and diamonds?
Activity: 4200
Merit: 4887
You're never too old to think young.
The thing I don't get with this MMM thing is, how do broke ass people living in shacks in South Africa get anywhere near an exchange that counts?

South Africa? Isn't that the place with all the gold and diamonds?

Activity: 2380
Merit: 1823
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
The thing I don't get with this MMM thing is, how do broke ass people living in shacks in South Africa get anywhere near an exchange that counts?
Seems like you couldn't even find South Africa on a world map...

He don't have to, he gots Google.
Just one of the advantages of not being stuck in some stinking third-world backwater Cool
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 531
Crypto is King.
finex did not even reach 300.. big 3k wall there now.

putting some shorts on, see you at 280.

Activity: 1232
Merit: 1011
The thing I don't get with this MMM thing is, how do broke ass people living in shacks in South Africa get anywhere near an exchange that counts?


prime example of cultural racism. doesn't surprise me at all. this place is full of bigots.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1019
finex did not even reach 300.. big 3k wall there now.

putting some shorts on, see you at 280.

oldies but goldies  Grin
sr. member
Activity: 290
Merit: 250
The thing I don't get with this MMM thing is, how do broke ass people living in shacks in South Africa get anywhere near an exchange that counts?
Seems like you couldn't even find South Africa on a world map...
sr. member
Activity: 248
Merit: 250
The thing I don't get with this MMM thing is, how do broke ass people living in shacks in South Africa get anywhere near an exchange that counts?

Check their success page.

I see a lot more Chinese than South African shack-dwellers.
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1002
finex did not even reach 300.. big 3k wall there now.

putting some shorts on, see you at 280.
Activity: 1232
Merit: 1011
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