
Topic: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion - page 20554. (Read 26607023 times)

sr. member
Activity: 403
Merit: 252
BIM BUM...... SCAM!!!
i'd rather chill at 290 for 6 months than break 300 and drop back down to 230 yet again.

hero member
Activity: 681
Merit: 507
weekly rsi overbought. Need to cooldown a bit before we can continue with the rally. Guess people who play it safe will take profits here. But I am holding and move a bit into altcoins.
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1029
i'd rather chill at 290 for 6 months than break 300 and drop back down to 230 yet again.
Activity: 3556
Merit: 9709
#1 VIP Crypto Casino

Ok, I'm back.

Let the rally continue!

It's that magic 300 we can't seem to break. I mean in the bigger picture 300 is f**k all but we just can't seem to break it & stay above it.
Activity: 2380
Merit: 1823
Activity: 2380
Merit: 1823
hero member
Activity: 910
Merit: 1003
as i understand it one new victim buys btc and sends them to MMM which takes some of the BTC and sells them to pay the older victims

so afterall it should lead to revenue but not necessarily buy pressure

Does he pay out in money? I would expect him to pay out in bitcoin too, for the same reason that he takes bitcoin.

Many of the victims will surely re-invest all their payouts in the scheme, and then add some more money.

Thus the net effect of the ponzi should be to lock up increasing amounts of bitcoin in (a) the members' accounts, (b) in transit, and (c) in Mavrodi's deep pockets.
full member
Activity: 280
Merit: 100
Activity: 1554
Merit: 1014
Make Bitcoin glow with ENIAC

Ok, I'm back.

Let the rally continue!
Activity: 2380
Merit: 1823
Activity: 1456
Merit: 1000
chinese devaluation of yuan is already priced in.

no choo choo for you bulls, unless you are on mETH. Cheesy
Says the guy who's underwater on the bulk of his shorts.

Assuming you actually trade the way you talk, which I highly doubt.

no way he can short and profit at this trend... price just drop 10 usd for few hours then rebound back
sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
You have to admit there's an air of economic darwinism about it.

The government sanctioned versions are licensed and taxed casinos and (often directly state run) lotteries. Games of chance with a built in tendency for the customer to lose, often immediately.

Activity: 3556
Merit: 9709
#1 VIP Crypto Casino

It seems to be inevitable that bitcoin is going to suffer some more of these bubble periods because it is just too small at the moment.  Quasi-currency status is much further into the future, and likely going to need a market cap in the $100Billion plus categories, and even that kind of $100 Billion plus is really small potatoes in the whole scheme of things.  So whether some posters are wishing for a bubble or NOT one two or three more bubbles seem likely to be in the cards for the next approximately 5-10 years of bitcoin.

Bitcoin is still in its infancy & we'll probably have to wait 10 + years for it to be where we want it to be. I certainly have no problem with us experiencing a few more bubbles on the way to 'the moon'.

Surely nobody has any issues with profiting handsomely from a few bubbles on the way to mainstream adoption?
Activity: 3920
Merit: 11299
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"

That's why I come here...all the wonderful people saying exactly what I want to hear. Wink

Aww, you're so kind.

I missed you too lambsie!

That guy is NOT lambsie.

hahahahaha   NOT every newbie poster is lambsie.  fuck.   Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
Activity: 2380
Merit: 1823
Activity: 3920
Merit: 11299
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to"Non-custodial"
I thought that we were going to have a mini-rally on stamp to take the price to $295-$298-ish, but such mini-rally seems to have petered out in the $290 price spot.... or is that a false start?

We're bound to see some profit-taking, but I think it will pick up again.  Does anyone else see the curves in the 1h, 2h, 4h, and 6h charts?  Below 1h it looks like a line but it's still there.  There's the occasional deviation above and below but take those away and the data almost fits a simple growth model.  With a little imagination the curve even extends back before the dip in August, if you look at the 12h.  I don't know what to make of it.  Opinions?

I've been watching the 12 hour chart the past few weeks.

It's the sexiest thing I've seen since early 2013 when we finally broke and held above 10 dollars, and then it was of to the races.

*Actually, this might be even sexier, because it's just so methodical and relentless.

**btw, is tarmi still short?

That's why I come here...all the wonderful people saying exactly what I want to hear. Wink

If this is the next bubble forming, judging from the log charts, we could hit $1000 again by Xmas. 

That's what I want.  You hear me Santa?!?  I've been good this year, dammit.

Now why the hell would you want another bubble to form? There is just too much evidence of basic economics that this is not healthy for the bitcoin economy because there is always correction in the market, and with the bitcoin market it goes full retard with over correctness and will bury us below $200 again... slow and steady is always the most viable option for anyone who is truly into cryptocurrency being, well, a fucking currency rather than some get quick rich ponzi scheme.

It seems to be inevitable that bitcoin is going to suffer some more of these bubble periods because it is just too small at the moment.  Quasi-currency status is much further into the future, and likely going to need a market cap in the $100Billion plus categories, and even that kind of $100 Billion plus is really small potatoes in the whole scheme of things.  So whether some posters are wishing for a bubble or NOT one two or three more bubbles seem likely to be in the cards for the next approximately 5-10 years of bitcoin.
sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
chinese devaluation of yuan is already priced in.

no choo choo for you bulls, unless you are on mETH. Cheesy

Please explain?
How can you price in an undetermined amount of money adding to the market cap?

As the price of yuan vs USD changes, so must the relative price in BTC.
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 500
chinese devaluation of yuan is already priced in.

no choo choo for you bulls, unless you are on mETH. Cheesy

Please explain?
How can you price in an undetermined amount of money adding to the market cap?
Activity: 2380
Merit: 1823
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1000
chinese devaluation of yuan is already priced in.

no choo choo for you bulls, unless you are on mETH. Cheesy
Says the guy who's underwater on the bulk of his shorts.

Assuming you actually trade the way you talk, which I highly doubt.
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