
Topic: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion - page 25495. (Read 26607060 times)

Activity: 2576
Merit: 2267
no, it doesn't, but also being a software engineer prevent you from being a cultist to any technology

That made me chuckle. IT is a hotbed of cults of companies, brands and software.
hero member
Activity: 714
Merit: 500
So, bottom is in?
Activity: 84
Merit: 10

Wow, this from someone who's been here less than 12 months.

Check my join date.

I've been through all this shit a few times and your cultist nonsense is pretty lame.

Join date doesn't equal bitcoin using date. And to be clear using a term like cultist just makes you sound like a troll.

You sound very cultish and there are also enough trolls on the bull side. How about a wager up to 25 BTC that we crash throw april low before 2015 if you feel so confident? Escrow, of course.

No? Take your time. My offer keeps even valid in case we bounce over 400. All the good news on your side...

hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500

see you are wrong there, technically there is 13 million Bitcoin in existence and the annual inflation rate is around 14% , theoretically there will be 21 million after 150 years.

No, there are 21M Bitcoins in existence. It's just that not all of them have been issued yet.

You are both correct in different ways. There is no inflation in the number of bitcoins but there is inflation in the bitcoin supply. In the past, this may have been somewhat masked by many miners choosing to accumulate.

In fact, if you look at it in terms of bitcoins actually circulating, it is likely significantly more even than 14%.

Conclusion--> It´s very unlikely that we will go below 0$ for a longer period.
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1000
Last year aoriund this time btc entered the rally  Smiley Will history repeat itself?

No chance, after this drop ends and a rebound follows we'll have the biggest drop, which should be scary. Cheesy

I'm gonna put you on ignore. Buh bye.

Yes, because if you can't read it, it doesn't exist.
I use to play this game with my kids.
SK is a small dog with a small penis and a small brain  Tongue
Activity: 2576
Merit: 2267

see you are wrong there, technically there is 13 million Bitcoin in existence and the annual inflation rate is around 14% , theoretically there will be 21 million after 150 years.

No, there are 21M Bitcoins in existence. It's just that not all of them have been issued yet.

You are both correct in different ways. There is no inflation in the number of bitcoins but there is inflation in the bitcoin supply. In the past, this may have been somewhat masked by many miners choosing to accumulate.

In fact, if you look at it in terms of bitcoins actually circulating, it is likely significantly more even than 14%.
Activity: 1022
Merit: 1008
Delusional crypto obsessionist
Last year aoriund this time btc entered the rally  Smiley Will history repeat itself?

No chance, after this drop ends and a rebound follows we'll have the biggest drop, which should be scary. Cheesy

I'm gonna put you on ignore. Buh bye.

Yes, because if you can't read it, it doesn't exist.
I use to play this game with my kids.
Activity: 2380
Merit: 1823
full member
Activity: 180
Merit: 100
Oh Glory! Just got 10 BTC of Circle. If this works as sweet as I think, I will now open my BTC site and get that ATM. Let the new economy begin!!
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1000

Wow, this from someone who's been here less than 12 months.

And @Podyx...joined Jan 2014...but knows it all...there's a never ending supply of arrogant know it alls here.

Check my join date.

I've been through all this shit a few times and your cultist nonsense is pretty lame.

It was a joke but i've been here since april 2013

OK, sorry but it fucks me off that people here don't appreciate the impact of Gox on sentiment (not to mention the harm Mark did to a lot of people). The users on this forum generally didn't give a fuck about the human cost.

Calling people 'the unwashed' generally marks one down as an arrogant, class-bound dickwad as well, so I get annoyed at people like Inca, who keep banging their BTC drum.

You are one of my more liked posters too

Er...double sorry....I lost my temper (its late, a few wines, been here all day).

Right well sorry for annoying you with this. The original remark was made in jest. The great unwashed is just a fun term to describe the public in common parlance in the UK. I think you are reading too much into my language. I won't apologise for being a bitcoin bull and talking about the price on a bitcoin speculation forum, that certainly isn't cultish.
Activity: 1237
Merit: 1010
hero member
Activity: 672
Merit: 500
Last year aoriund this time btc entered the rally  Smiley Will history repeat itself?

No chance, after this drop ends and a rebound follows we'll have the biggest drop, which should be scary. Cheesy

I'm gonna put you on ignore. Buh bye.
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1441
Circle registration is now open.  Shocked

to the stratosphere we go
Ok, that's it.
Now I will quickly dump before the whales start dumping again.
Paypal did not get us to moon, neither does this.

Except Paypal had no immediate effects...

This does.

Buying Bitcoin just became a LOT easier.

Not saying the price will rise right now... but when it does and people starting buying again the impact will be felt.

Was this the news you were expecting this week ?
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1000
This (Circle) will have taken at least 12 months (two years, more?) to plan and bring to fruition, so they couldn't have expected to open in such a bearish period.  Will their presence increase demand?

It's unlikely IMO, sentiment is going to take a long time to turn around from Gox (which everyone here seems to have forgotten).

So your argument is sentiment will take a long time to change for the great unwashed because of gox, and your closing statement is that we, those most affected by it, have already forgotten gox. Erm.

Yes, absolutely.  Why is this so contradictory?

Users of this forum had no sympathy for those who suffered huge Gox loses (the general attitude was "we knew better, serves you right") and the idea that Gox may have impacted on the 'unwashed' does seem to have completely been forgotten by most here.  Most people I talk to still say something along the lines of "BTC, that thing where the exchange stole everyones money".

You are a pom I'm guessing -- how many people were rushing to invest in RBS after it went tits up?
Most here are too arrogant and up themselves to consider the harm Mark did to BTC, they are too busy congratulating themselves on how smart they are (cf Podyx's asinine comment above).

Sorry entirely missed this as the thread jumped to the next page.

My comment was flippant and pretty obviously made in jest. You are right that a 400million dollar fraud may well be the only thing the general public remember about bitcoin, but the collective masses do have a short memory, they weren't burned after all. I don't think people think bitcoin itself failed though, especially with all press in MSM since (PayPal etc), if that is what your RBS (boo) comment is alluding to.

MK is to put it bluntly a fucking cunt. No two ways about it.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
hero member
Activity: 700
Merit: 500
Will you two stop bickering?

This thread is for wild speculation, pump and dump propaganda, and reminiscing about the good old days.
full member
Activity: 180
Merit: 100
I hope, that like me, a lot of ppl will jump at the opportunity to buy with a CC... I just added 2 cards to Circle with good amount of credit. (over $50.000) and I am going to buy BTC. This has been the biggest hurdle for me and my Scandinavian friends. I have at least 10 friends that now are going to buy. Even if they just buy a couple of coins, it is going to be good. The whole SWIFT bank transfer and waiting days for it to show up on an exchange was to slow and lost me money. If Circle works, I bet you this is going to be big. Setting up something in the middle, and selling coins should also be easier. I now think I will put up that ATM in Oslo after all...

Scandinavians, especially Norwegians have shit loads of fiat, and will react if they see this as a good thing. Most ppl I know, have been waiting for this. So a good day. Now if I could only deposit via the cards...

i thought thats whats circle all about??

I could add the cards, but my keyboard does not respond when I try to enter the amount. So it could be that my Norwegian cards are not getting accepted yet, but I did not get a msg, like other about only US cards working. It will be solved I think... I just want to buy BTC, and its not the easiest to do. I think that is the biggest reason for BTC not going up..
Activity: 966
Merit: 1000
I hope, that like me, a lot of ppl will jump at the opportunity to buy with a CC... I just added 2 cards to Circle with good amount of credit. (over $50.000) and I am going to buy BTC. This has been the biggest hurdle for me and my Scandinavian friends. I have at least 10 friends that now are going to buy. Even if they just buy a couple of coins, it is going to be good. The whole SWIFT bank transfer and waiting days for it to show up on an exchange was to slow and lost me money. If Circle works, I bet you this is going to be big. Setting up something in the middle, and selling coins should also be easier. I now think I will put up that ATM in Oslo after all...

Scandinavians, especially Norwegians have shit loads of fiat, and will react if they see this as a good thing. Most ppl I know, have been waiting for this. So a good day. Now if I could only deposit via the cards...

Circle is really good news. Now, there is a symmetry: it is as fast to send money into bitcoin as to remove it.
Circle is already priced in, don't wait to see any effect till circle dries out and needs to buy bitcoins, a lot of bitcoins.
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 254
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