
Topic: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion - page 25504. (Read 26607137 times)

full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
playing pasta and eating mandolinos
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1001
things you own end up owning you

Bitcoin technically has a 0% inflation since inception. There's a 21M BTC monetary base which will never be inflated.

see you are wrong there, technically there is 13 million Bitcoin in existence and the annual inflation rate is around 14% , theoretically there will be 21 million after 150 years.

No, there are 21M Bitcoins in existence. It's just that not all of them have been issued yet.

do you mind if I ask you this: how old are you and what kind of education do you have ?

Late 20s and PhD.

interesting, Phd in what ?
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1001
things you own end up owning you
mmitech, have you sold all of your bitcoins yet? Before the upcoming crash that is?

... he sold them all at the exact top on Mt. Gox and got all his funny money out the day before it closed down ... amazing really

well, dont be butt hurt, but yes I sold some at 1000 then the rest 3 months ago between 580-630, if you look into my post history I have screen shots of my Bitstamp account as well Wink

Edit: BTW I never used Gox again after the April 2013 bubble, I didn't lose a cent in Gox.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Only noobs buy above 200$
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1001
things you own end up owning you
mmitech, have you sold all of your bitcoins yet? Before the upcoming crash that is?

I sold everything between $580-630
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1001
things you own end up owning you

Bitcoin technically has a 0% inflation since inception. There's a 21M BTC monetary base which will never be inflated.

see you are wrong there, technically there is 13 million Bitcoin in existence and the annual inflation rate is around 14% , theoretically there will be 21 million after 150 years.

No, there are 21M Bitcoins in existence. It's just that not all of them have been issued yet.

do you mind if I ask you this: how old are you and what kind of education do you have ?
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
It seems very bad. Should be worried about this drop?

In fact it is even more bad than it looks, it will take years if it should ever recover. You should sell everything and step away a few months.
Activity: 2324
Merit: 1125
It seems very bad. Should be worried about this drop?

Do you need your invested wealth soon? Then yes. Otherwise no, just wait.
Activity: 1237
Merit: 1010
It seems very bad. Should be worried about this drop?

Not at all. This is good for the market.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
It seems very bad. Should be worried about this drop?
hero member
Activity: 786
Merit: 857
I dont post here often and have been into BTC since around August 2013. During most of this time there has been a general decline in the $ worth of BTC (barring the meteoric rise pre Dec!). This has not put me off investing what I can, when I can as I still believe in the technology and the promise that it's future holds.
Now I might have missed a few opportunities to make money during this time through shorting but it all seems a tad irrelevant really since the long term potential is huge should the market finally turn around.
Besides, I am cr@p at trading and would probably get burnt badly.
So I am a long term HODLer and I have faith that as long as I hold I will be fine.
Good things come to those who wait.
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1000
World Class Cryptonaire
I remember reading once that Amazon's stock at one point had crashed to $7 before slowly rebounding to the triple digits it is today. If you believe in what we're doing here, patience. Patience. And if you have extra cash around- buy.

I actually consider this to be the Pre-IPO phase of bitcoin. This type of volatility (and growth) is usually only seen by venture capitalists and large investment firms, which makes sense as to why VC's are where most of the current interest is coming from. I don't expect mass consumer adoption and stable pricing such as IPO/Post-IPO status for at least another 2-4 years.
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1002
Strange, yet attractive.

Perhaps it is changing.

a smart guy would understand what an average mean, in that sense showing me a 2 months long chart doesn't imply to you understanding the word average.

I wonder what a genius like you is doing with all us idiots in here. THANK YOU DEARLY for your presence! Kiss
Activity: 1204
Merit: 1002
I remember reading once that Amazon's stock at one point had crashed to $7 before slowly rebounding to the triple digits it is today. If you believe in what we're doing here, patience. Patience. And if you have extra cash around- buy.
full member
Activity: 233
Merit: 100
I am buying 5btc for every 10$ drop, lets see if I get broke! Tongue
If You have round about 37 050 USD to invest, You won't break, for sure!




while [ $price -gt 0 ]; do
    sum=$((sum + price * 5))
    price=$((price - 10))

echo $sum
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1000
World Class Cryptonaire
mmitech, have you sold all of your bitcoins yet? Before the upcoming crash that is?
Activity: 2380
Merit: 1823
full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
playing pasta and eating mandolinos
Activity: 2324
Merit: 1125
How should a currency rise into existence? How should a technology be adopted. It's not a post-IPO company we're dealing with here. It's the rise of a start-up currency / technology / store of value. All idicators besides price this past year have been growing strong. Price can't lag adoption forever.

Oh..and while we're looking at charts. Let's take a look at the measuring stick the world uses to price everything.

Bubble? or a broken global financial system?

your post is called despair.

Also this:

lets not forget that Bitcoin has an annually inflation rate of 14%...which doesn't make it allot better than the dollar when it comes to inflation, now with declining rate of adoption and this high uinflation rate and declining confidence of investors the price going down is the only logical trend... beside the  inflation argument is old and fake, and I consider it an insult to m intelligence.

Bitcoin technically has a 0% inflation since inception. There's a 21M BTC monetary base which will never be inflated.

see you are wrong there, technically there is 13 million Bitcoin in existence and the annual inflation rate is around 14% , theoretically there will be 21 million after 150 years.

No, there are 21M Bitcoins in existence. It's just that not all of them have been issued yet.
Activity: 2324
Merit: 1125

I think you are mistaken as I never call for a bubble, there are no bubbles in Bitcoin because a bubble implies overvaluation (and that has never happened yet). There will be a next growth spurt however.

Still have fun ruining your financial future Smiley

don't you worry about my financial future, because I am sure that it will be just fine, worry about your self because you are stuck in the danger kind of delusion...

Don't worry about me. Patience + intellect + discipline + diligence + greed are sufficient to end up all right Smiley
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