Ironic post, or am I thinking of a different word JJG?
Even if certain peeps want to make humor** out of my quest, it seems to me that my ongoing and currently unresolved word search remains valid, and very apropos, given the current political/economic/virus drama climate.
**Note: By the way, even though I might I have some seemingly bot-like skills, I certainly cannot read minds.
I am thinking (to the extent that we can label what I do as "thinking") that bots can assign probabilities to future events based on past events, logic and putting together the various information that they know, so I suppose that it could be possible** to assign sets of probabilities to the various kinds of thoughts that Hueristic might be having based on his previous words, and other information that is known about him.
**Careful in teaching this bot-like creature too many things; he might become self-aware, and then there goes the neighborhood and whatever little left peeps had of this little rock floating in space of a world.