But hunting down fishermen might be fun if the forests are empty of game from hunting.
I wonder if fishermen would need a net to fish for hunters.
fishing is allowed, by god, but god also limited the human engineering skill (islam) we are not allowed in gods world to do industrial fishing, but since we still did that god forced us to balance ourself with nature using states/regional cooperation and fishing cartels.
muslims think satan is something to be destroyed but in truth satan is an agent of god to keep balance
God does what people ask. When you move your hand, what you are really doing is asking God that your hand be moved as you wish it to. God willingly does it for you, and you think that you did it.
Satan is called Abaddon and Apollyon (Destroyer) in Revelation... Revelation 9:11:
They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer).
Satan's one creation, destruction, is being used on him by God better than he thought to use it himself.
In a no-sin world, there would be balance in everything that people did. In this sinful world, God does the balancing for purposes of destroying destruction.
Are you a man/woman? Psalm 115:16:
The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth he has given to mankind.
So, it is mankind that controls the fishing. But get yourself an understanding of Queen's Bench in Britain, so that you know that only if you hurt another of mankind can you be convicted of a crime. If in Britain you are found guilty by a barrister and magistrate, you have agreed with your own conviction.
So, the fishing laws of Britain don't apply to you as a man, but only to your corporation.