Any suggestions of what to get.
Either new alt-coins, potential profets or fallen altcoins that look that they could make ma profit.
Any suggestions on what the yield would be for these coins. Thank you, jack g.
(P.S: I bought 1000 doge when hey were at 45 satoshi and they are now at 32 satoshi in a short period of time, I was not expecting this, however, I did expect that by the same amount the price falls, it could rise!
Right? So I started this thread and have not received what I expected! Obviously I am in the minority that want to inest in alt-coins and, thus, have received only one post saying how good altcoin trading is. THE REST HAVE COMMENTED ON HOW LOW THE AMOUNT THAT I AM USING IS TOO LOW. I don't want to risk all of my BTC on altcoin exchange as it is my first time. Also, I got the doge from the free BTC giveaway to new users on the platform!