thats an expensive lesson learned.. always use 2fa.
but even sometimes using 2fa incidents still occur, like the whole wallet madness a couple weeks back or a month ago.
people got like 30 btc stolen forwarded to other accounts etc.
Its not any single point of failure that causes these situations.
Its a multitude of different problems (mostly attributed to people being lazy):
-not activating 2FA
-not activating logging features on their accounts
-sharing email addresses and/or passwords between accounts
-not running antivirus/malware scanner
-assuming your operating system is 100% immune to viruses or malware (dear mac users your operating system is not, has not and cannot be 100% immune to being compromised)
-sharing your computer with idiots
-installing stupid applications and/or opening stupid links
-assuming people you know won't steal your shit when it can never be traced back to them
-letting other people know how much money you have and where
-blindly trusting web-based wallets etc that aren't decentralized
-installing pirated software which can compromise your system
-using wifi, wireless keyboard/mice or stupid technology that could easily compromise your internet money (if you live in the jungle use wifi, if you live in a crowded urban area where anyone within 50 metres of you could sniff all your personal data then you're an idiot)
-keeping all your eggs in one basket; even if I was trading anything even
remotely approaching 40,000 USD, let alone 1000 USD I would sure as shit not store it all on one exchange with no fucking 2FA.
You should not be storing 30 btc on a web wallet like blockchain. Period.
You should not be storing 40,000 USD worth of anything on any online account that doesn't have 2FA. Period.
Part of the responsibility does fall on this exchange for not requiring 2FA or not requiring authentication of transactions via email account, however the problem is that this user is basically incompetent (proven by the fact they refuse to believe 2FA is important) and they then go and write misleading statements regarding their account (no, your money wasn't actually stolen which is what prevents the exchange from helping you) and tries to brush off their own irresponsibility and laziness as not having attributed to the situation (if this user had 2FA enabled then I would be in no position to criticize as much).