For example, I’ve taken a look at the referenced site, and found it within a Website that is scammy as can be:
I've seen it before, too. Their domain registration date is one year ago.
DdmrDdmr asking about source of website. From where you get this website. Like if this website listed on any other website like ICOHOLDER or something else then we would marked them as a scammer as well.
However, from my experience I would say this phishing link shared by Telegram spam. Sometimes I received such as link and that's why I were hide my telegram user name few days back. Sometimes peoples enter their details unconsciously due to same view of original website and that's how they are getting scam.
Op did great job, keep it up. I always love to encourage newbies to find scammers and expose them.
Checked some initial websites where it link to:
Mostly Chinese related forum I assumed, and probably a haven for scammers/phishers.
Interesting, it also has linked to a possible another Binance phishing site:
Possible phishing site: https://xxx.binance[dot]net/en
It's really hard to find it in Google because their attack vector is different (unless they are willing to pay adds to put their website on top, but they are clever because I'm sure many will find them). Using forums are one the most effective method for them to spread the word very fast.