This woman (like the others in the EXTENDED section) registered an account with Cryptocells and chose the option to join the extended marketing team.
Anyway, let's wait for the identity verification for the core team via ICObench.
Trying to Fool me.. another chat history with her.
[woman] Ooo kalo yg cryptocells ini memang saya pernah ikut,, tapi di aidrop telegram, itu pun saya ga punya tim
Ooo, if about Cryptocell, I have participated too, but for Telegram Airdrop, I don't have a team.
[me] maksudku bukan mbak punya tim, tapi dimasukkan sebagai tim oleh mereka.
[me] penyalahgunaan data
I mean not you have a team, but you are included as a team by them.
Data abuse
[woman]: Wahh kalo itu saya ga ngerti mbak
[woman]: Maaf mbak,, terus harus gimana yaa
wow, I don't know about that
Sorry, so what should i do?
From these conversations, it's very clear if you are using her photo's WITHOUT PERMISSION!