It's really sad to see that Google in 2022 is still not able to filter such obvious scams, and/or to quickly remove them. I start to wonder if they really care about crypto users safety. The Iancoleman page is one of the more useful and powerful oneline tool in the crypto universe and they are not able to protect it against such gross phishing attack. It's really concerning.
They are filtering anything they get paid for, like if they don't want people to find out truth about something they hide results from search, they have smart algorithms that can detect specific words and ban people, but they can't detect clear scams... please give me a break
I would suggest everyone to use ad blockers for everyday use, something like uBlock Origin will hide most of the scam ads, but some phishing websites will remain.
After years of using uBlock origin I can't stand a minute of using ''normal'' internet that most people use today.
Stop using google search is also a good idea, maybe searX, mojeek or brave search are currently ok-ish.
I recently heard that Midori browser is working on their new independent Open Source search engine called AstianGo, but it's still early and experimental: