But I also have a question. Why let someone into your telegrams? Moreover, why talk to him? Any oversight, such as a link sent to you, will reveal not only your data but also direct you to phishing and other nasty things.
If you are engaged in cryptocurrency, always remember that no one will give you anything for nothing.
But if you get caught and lose money, then blame your greed and curiosity.
Absolutely. I need to ignore these people. But I tend to fail to do so. It drive me nuts when we (I, in this case) post things in good faith and we are called fools and etc.
Anyway, I do this many times. I let the guy think I'm going along with him, just to see how far they go, what they say, how they say and how they try to turn things around to convince us.
If I have blocked him since the first sentence I wouldn't ever know how would he approach things to try to convince me!
This way I can show other people what they can expect at the beginning, at the middle and eventually near the end of the scam attempt. People that might not know these scams, can fall at the beginning, at the middle or close to the end. If they know the entire process, that can help them, even if they fall at the beginning. They will be able to identify the scam later and avoid problems.