As per this 60 page analysis report from NinjaLab:, many 2FA hardwares are vulnerable to
CVE-2021-3011 attacks.
List of Impacted Products
Google Titan Security Key (all versions)
Yubico Yubikey Neo
Feitian FIDO NFC USB-A / K9
Feitian MultiPass FIDO / K13
Feitian ePass FIDO USB-C / K21
Feitian FIDO NFC USB-C / K40
NXP J3D081_M59_DF and variants
NXP J3A081 and variants
NXP J2E081_M64 and variants
NXP J3D145_M59 and variants
NXP J3D081_M59 and variants
NXP J3E145_M64 and variants
NXP J3E081_M64_DF and variants
Further Notes
1. The impacted Yubico Yubikey Neo is an old product no more available for sale. All FIDO U2F Yubico Yubikeys currently available on their webstore are based on a newer secure element from Infineon, and are not impacted by our work to our knowledge.
2. The NXP P5 / SmartMX secure microcontroller family and its associated cryptographic library (up to v2.9) impacted by our work is quite old. Since, NXP has released two new generations of secure microcontroller families, the “NXP P60 / SmartMX2” family and now the “NXP P70 / SmartMX3” family. Both are Common Criteria certified (with recent certification process), and are not impacted by our work to our knowledge.
Of course, there are 2FA softwares like Authy or Google Authenticator, however, I believed that there are crypto users who uses 2FA hardware as well, specially this coming from Binance:
Using a YubiKey for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
2019-06-27 18:51
A YubiKey is a hardware device that you can use on Binance as a Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) method to enhance your account security. It is used for 【Withdraw & API】,【Log in】,【Reset password】function., we need to understand that this kind of attacks is very sophisticated and will have to meet several conditions to be successful.