It is interesting to see that Rfinance made their first announcement thread week ago. First they hired someone to do it for them, but when they were busted for plagiarism by @AhmandM in [WARNING] RFinance (RFI) Plagiarized Website Contents , OP of that thread naturally deleted it. So what else will scammers do than open a new one as they don't really care about reputation. For them it's rinse and repeat business anyway, where they churn out new scammy projects one after the another. It cost them very little time and money, while profits are huge.
Oops I did not realize that Ahmad already posted an accusation on this project. I'll be locking this thread now to prevent any further damage.
Probably OP didn't see it before posting his own, but one of this topics should be locked now
I am very sorry but I did not realize that Ahmad posted an accusation against this project before. Thank you, I'll be locking this thread now.