Warning!!! Over 99% of Americans have already been affected by this scam! This scam is in the form of a Ponzi scheme, promising you prosperity and enough wealth for self sustenance!
This scam has already cost American taxpayers $12.3 trillion dollars, and yet the media remains silent about it!
The federal government has been the most successful scam since its inception! Be warned! Warning signs to look out for the scam include:
* Promising a payment in exchange for labor or other services, when the payment is in fact a piece of paper, a debt slip with an arbitrary number on it, that has its value set through the installment and expansion of military bases in the Middle East, deriving its value from stolen oil!
* Excessive printing of the debt slip to increase its supply, robbing you simply by virtue of printing and decreasing its value!
* Taxation. For all taxation is theft
* Taking out of giant unaffordable loans which will lead to dramatic increases of your taxes, for more wars! (A vicious cycle)
* Concentration of wealth leading to severe wealth inequality (the top 1% vs The Other 99%)
* Secretly funded, covert "backdoor bailouts" organized by elected bankers masquerading as public servants (That's a bad one)
The scammers will sometimes claim they have "lost" trillions of dollars of your money!
Tips to prevent this scam include:
* A disassociation of one's financial assets with the US Dollar, or any other fiat currency (Use Bitcoin)
* Sign up for the Libertarian Party right now, and rally against the criminals holding us hostage!
* Advocate publicly against the federal reserve
* Avoid paying taxes, taxation is theft
* Support a voluntary society, call out oppression wherever you see it!
* Support businesses that are independent of the US Government! (Yes, this includes AlphaBay, the Dream Marketplace, and of course many many others)
The Federal Reserve recently launched a Facebook page, which was (very briefly) taken down because too many people reported it for theft!
Audit of Federal Reserve shows $16 trillion in bailouts
https://www.sott.net/article/250592-Audit-of-the-Federal-Reserve-Reveals-16-Trillion-in-Secret-BailoutsBackdoor bailouts
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/02/09/biggest-scam-in-world-history-exposed.aspxFrom the same source:
“The Federal Reserve was secretly throwing around our money in unprecedented fashion, and it wasn’t just to the usual suspects like Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Citigroup, Bank of America, etc.; it was to the entire Global Banking Cartel. To central banks throughout the world: Australia, Denmark, Japan, Mexico, Norway, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, England ... We are talking about trillions of dollars secretly pumped into global banks, handpicked by a small select group of bankers themselves. All for the benefit of those bankers, and at the expense of everyone else.”