So you don't want us to make improvements? You don't want us to make the software faster? You don't want us to fix bugs and vulnerabilities?
it was working before, now it isn't working, from a dumb user's perspective this is not an improvement
You don't need to upgrade if you don't want to. No one is forcing you to upgrade.
I guess, unless I want access to my wallets...
really, I am sorry for my tone, and I very much appreciate the help, I just get super agitated when this stuff breaks
You said it was working with 0.12, so why did you upgrade? you could have ignored the error message I guess.
In my experience, I upgraded from 0.12 to 0.13 to 0.14... never had any problems. The last time I had to re-sync the entire thing was during pre 0.1 times, and I think it was due harddisk corruption.
0.15 is coming soon and i've heard it's going to be very fast. Im sure that once you set it up you'll think it was worth it. You have money invested on this thing, make the effort to keep it updated to the latest version.