Establishment sources that perpetrate the official explanations on controversial issues like the JFK assassination and 9-11 such as Wikipedia call PID a conspiracy theory or urban legend while others, for instance Snopes, dismisses the phenomenon as a false rumor. More than a decade ago, the topic started back up in a big way on the internet with web sites, YouTube videos, podcasts, radio interviews, as well as books. The metrics on public opinion? A survey of comments left on YouTube videos about PID or Paul Was Replaced (PWR) reveals about 50% believe Paul never died; 25% believe he did die; and 25% are undecided. Comments on sites simply providing news reports on McCartney reveal a much lower acceptance that Paul died.
Read more and click the links at https://www.lewrockwell.com/2018/01/ginny-garner/was-beatle-paul-mccartney-killed-in-1966-and-replaced-with-a-double-2/.