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[Weitergeleitet aus Landau (LandauBot)]
Today we are publishing our detailed technical review of the Paymon project (Main Product).
In general, the technical overview of the Paymon project is very abstract and does not give insights on the implementation of the DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) in practice. It also does not provide any material statistics on the comparable technologies to prove statements in the technical note. This situation reminds of Paymon app that is promoted but does have the features it promises. In this regards, there are several points Landau team can highlight:
• There is no concrete implementation of the hive protocol.
• The figure of DAG in the Technical paper is not explained. It remains unclear how and why the probability of double-spending would be lower than in normal blockchain system. There is also no statements about the minimum numbers of users and transaction required for the system to be stable.
• The system also assumes the approval of any two transactions that can coincide in a finite amount of time. The paper does not give any answer on how the system will control the approval process so that it does not approve the same transactions all the time.
• The very rules on how the nodes in the hive will decide on conflicting transactions are not clear and have no mathematical justification. As it could be concluded from the Technical notes, no system will control valid transactions approvals in the finite time.
• It is also uncertain what would be the transaction costs in this case and how it would impact the transaction time. There is a notion that the system if ever implemented will suffer from the same problems as Bitcoin.
• The main question is what is the difference between the nodes and miners in case if nodes do not issue any transactions. Why will the node be incentivised to stay in the network when it does not receive any reward for being in?
• Regarding theoretical underpinnings of the model in place, there is no statistical proof of the main model assumptions, such as that there will be a large number of roughly independent entities in the system, and the process of the incoming transaction will be Poisson. Authors do not rely either on historical evidence of the similar system nor on any simulation results. Failure of these two assumptions makes the further theoretical results incorrect.
• The proof-of-me concept is similar to the normal blockchain environment and Landau team does not see any significant technological improvement.
Summing up, claims of the project’s Technical paper sound very general and clearly need further development to be valid. Part of the innovations introduced in the system are already incorporated in blockchain technology and do not represent a significant improvement of the system.
#LandauReview #Paymon
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