
Topic: Water Cooled Asic Miner Teardown - ASICMiner Liquid Cooled Bitcoin Miner (Read 287 times)

sr. member
Activity: 387
Merit: 254
You are registered to porn? I am very confused right now.  Huh

That seems like a personal thing that I would not be putting all over the internet.  

all types of miners not just the asicminer and post those videos as well so I don't understand why you are so upset.

Buy a miner and do what you will with it, you are really making a fool of yourself.


ne way what about asicminer?? did u mean to say somethin like "all miner manufacturers post videos of their miners not just asicminer"?? maybe u cut some of the wrong words out of that part of ur comment or maybe im too dumb to understand what ur tryin to say. the issue is no one has received their miners and there r no third party reviews of the machines and there isnt a single piece of info posted about these miners yet ur tryin to talk folks into buyin them so you make some money for urself. was that short and direct enough for u to absorb or do i have to reword it yet again for u?

y would i give money to asicminer when their hardware hasnt been proven to even exist?? do u have proof that its real or do u have a box with some light up fans?? we have proven that u consider recordin the outside of a machine and whatever is visible through a crack is a tear down but can we establish some actual facts?? or would u rather continue to bullshit folks into buyin hardware that isnt real as of right now??

havent seen ne of the many people ur in convos with that tell u all sorts of great things about the miners post ne far at least. r u gonna get on providin that proof to support ur claims or just run around pretendin like u havent been confronted with real questions?? i provided what u asked for. u havent provided a single thing so far. i hope u change ur mind kiddo.
sr. member
Activity: 387
Merit: 254
You keep saying the same thing. Pony up and buy a miner for your " teardown" or be silent.

goes to prove i was correct about only a single option bein provided. send 5 grand to some ignorant kid to prove u wrong or it doesnt get proven. i also like how u acted like ur someone ur not. was that to also make potential customers think that many dont believe my words instead of the reality which is ur the only one promotin this hardware as legit and helpin folks get scammed?? just adds to the future issue when it all blows up. people with pitchforks do crazy things when they lose a lot of money my friend.

based on all of ur replies im gonna just confirm this is an elaborate scam and ur in on it. no one that truely wanted to provide the truth to innocent folks would do what u have done today and consistantly for the past however many months.

when u wanna put the issue to bed we can discuss buyin the miner but again there r only 2 options available to u when u do that:

1. the miner is proven real and i say sorry in every location i said it was fake in.

2. when its proven that its not legit i wont eat the loss...u will be payin me back for the garbage u tried pushin onto me.

the sooner u pull ur thumb outta ur ass and work on a solution the sooner i can stop correctin ur ignorance. what will it be??

lmao is this kid seriously usin my email to register for porn?? ur info is available online and u thought it was a good idea to act like a child like that?? its 2018...spam filters sift 99% of the spam out and because of new privacy laws companies require that u confirm the sub before u actually get subbed to the list. whats next?? r u gonna go out durin the next rain storm and throw a bucket of water on my car?? bahahaha. at least u have confirmed the huge difference in maturity. this is deff gonna be a story i mention tonight. brings back memories. memories of kids that are so insecure with their sexuality that they really and truly believed that kinda mess was a major "burn". in b4 the kid starts sendin pics of his dick then declarin me gay because i opened the message hahahaha. ok im done with my examples. i did need a break from work so ty for that bud. Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
sr. member
Activity: 387
Merit: 254
NUMNUTZ2009 seems that you don't even have enough money to buy a miner? Looks like you were offered the miner to buy it in the USA but you refused because you are not happy with his price? It seems kinda off.

Why don't you buy a new machine from the company? Why don't you purchase the miner from him? I thought this was not about ROI and about tearing it down? It seems that you are an angry person and that you were offered multiple solutions to your problem but you still denied.

Until you have enough money in your Piggy Bank to buy any one of these miners I would stop talking about it.  Grin

wrong. the goal is to tear it down. but if u stop and read the emails i posted it explains that lets say the miner is real....what do i do with it since he doesnt want it back after i verify the legitness of it and share the findins with everyone?? he doesnt want it back so please tell me what i should do with the machine?? let it sit in the corner collectin dust?? throw thousands of dollars away that i spent to confirm for everyone if its real or fake?? im supposed to eat 5 grand and suck it up is that what ur sayin?? if thats the case send me the miner for free i will cover the shipping costs. u got the miner for free. i dont want to run it and mine coins with it except for a few hours during testing thats it. i want to see what the "controller" does when its connected to the network. these r all things that have to be properly tested not that this machine is at the lvl of sketch its at.

i didnt deny anything except payin u 4700 bucks for a chance to prove u wrong. im willin to pay a reasonable roi price to risk it but if im wrong and its real u got 5 grand for somethin u paid 0 for and u get increased sales under ur advert link. if i prove u wrong what do i get for my effort?? a miner that isnt a miner and a loss of 5 grand?? so no matter what the outcome is u win. explain how that adds up?? if i paid asicminer directly i would get scammed for 5 grand because i like many others dont believe this is real. im not sure y u say i turned down multiple options when my emails that i posted clearly show only 1 option was give. a single option doesnt somehow equal multiple. an option isnt a cluster of OPTIONS. he said $4700 take it or leave it. if i paid u the 5 grand do i have permission to drive to ur house to get my 5 grand back?? pretty sure u wouldnt like it but i guarantee thats what would happen because i have done it before.

when buyin hardware even when its to do a proper test/verification since ur not capable of doin it properly u should always and i mean ALWAYS base it off of the roi time. ask ne long term miner this. we dont make money by throwin it at the first face we see and hope everything plays out the way we want it to. im willin to throw a reasonable price out there but u couldnt be bothered with respondin to that lol.

also please stop with the silly insults about income or funds on hand. udk me and idk u. i grew outta the phase of flashin money like a moron when i was in elementary school. idc if u think i have a million dollars or 10 dollars. those that have income dont need to insult the income of others to try to win arguments. i have been minin far longer than u have been. much longer than u have been postin videos about it too. u my friend can take that however u choose to take it.

i forgot to ask but y do u keep caps lockin my username like that?? i can see u doin it to the first letter but the entire username seems weird to me...almost like ur tryin to say somethin but dont know the words to use to convey ur thought or idea.
sr. member
Activity: 387
Merit: 254
We have all seen you try to troll his video NUMNUTZ2009 - Sorry we don't believe you.  You sound ignorant.

please provide the proof u have about these miners or link me and everyone else to reviews posted by others. no one was able to on the comments i made on the videos and no one can in this thread either it seems.

since im bein called a liar please see below for the exact email convo i had where he tried sellin me the miner for $4700 and at which point he stopped respondin. sorry for the backwards copy and paste but gmail lists the oldest email at the bottom and the newest at the top so read from the bottom up to the top.

u dont have to believe me but i gave a piece of proof to support my claim. what have u provided to support urs?? what has been done to clear up this mess?? everything i said in my long and detailed reply is either based on the info posted on their site directly "specs" or based on you not tearin the machine down like u said u would. the rest is based on reddit and twitter comments made askin where their order is and the lack of a single bit of info about the miners folks have received. if u dont believe facts or conclusions based on the facts what do u believe?? how does ne one believe somethin without ne proof to support their beliefs? even religion has evidence that believers use as a way to support their faith but ur gonna sit here and tell me "im right ur ignorant" and not provide ne thing to back up that statement.

im sorry ur lies didnt work out as well as u had hoped. i hope u do more legit things in the future instead of tryin to push scams onto others so u can get a piece of the earnings. but like i said before i will fully 100% say I WAS WRONG FOR EVER DOUBTING ASICMINER....once u provide the evidence to support ur ignorant claims. i didnt buy into this dragonmint vaporware bitchfit that was happenin before they were released but even they have pictures of the miners...internal images of the miner....all sorts of info. people saw them in person running with a local diag screen displayin shares and hashrate and all that. u havent given ne thing. all u have done is make me and other believe even more the box u claim is a miner is really just a local power draw while the miners u get hashrate from r located in a cloud based system. no large scale miner would buy miners they cant control. thats even more retarded than buyin miners that require asicboost to even work.

what i want is what everyone else wants which is confirmation about these bein fake or legit. i have the paypal funds ready to go whenever but i will be the one to lose in this agreement. i pay 5 grand almost for a moner that will never break even. if i confirm the legitness durin the teardown u then get sales posted under ur name from me validatin the machine. if i prove its fake and provide evidence to support my claim i then get stuck with a box i paid 5 grand for that isnt worth ne thing to ne one. so explain how ur bein reasonable here?? or were u hopin to cashout before things go south?? i really wanna find out but whos interested in that at the price of 5 grand?

On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 6:11 PM, Miner Digi <[email protected]> wrote:

    I don’t know what you want from me, please stop harassing me unless you want to buy the unit.


    On Aug 7, 2018, at 6:07 PM, <[email protected]> wrote:

>     3 years almost
>     On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 6:06 PM, <[email protected]> wrote:
>         at $.15 per kwh at the current diff it will take 1100 days to break even. 2 years. thats if its even a miner since everything can only be configured on their website.
>         On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 6:05 PM, <[email protected]> wrote:
>             lol u want me to pay $4700 for a miner that has a risk of bein fake and that u got for free??
>             On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 5:59 PM, Miner Digi <[email protected]> wrote:
>                 Hi Sean,
>                 I want the listed price they have and it will cost around $200 to ship this thing because its heavy ( about 50lbs)
>                 No I am fine I will just buy another one from them.
>                 Let me know if you are ready and please send me  your shipping address.
>                 Thanks,
>                 Ryan
>                 > On Aug 7, 2018, at 5:57 PM, <[email protected]> wrote:
>                 >
>                 > its sean from youtube. what price did u have in mind and did u want it back once im done??
Activity: 102
Merit: 28
We have all seen you try to troll his video NUMNUTZ2009 - Sorry we don't believe you.  You sound ignorant.
sr. member
Activity: 387
Merit: 254
the dude tried sellin me this miner last night lol. after sendin him a post from twitter with a user askin why his order hasnt shipped months after and of a person from china askin how to buy these in china he replied back tellin me basically thats not proof that asicminer isnt shippin what they have sold. i even went on to ask him to please provide the reviews/pics/posts/threads/.....anything that supports the idea that these miners are in fact real. he ignored that part even when i said it in multiple comments again and again. its one thing to overlook it once but a handful of times is hard to brush off and a simple mistake.

the only reason he recorded this video is because i asked him to provide the tear down he promised. keep in mind he replied sayin he created the tear down already showin the internals he just didnt have time to upload it. that claim was a month or so ago. he then records this video last minute yesterday evening and labeled it a "tear down" but doesnt remove a single thing from the miner. he also shoots the entire video from a crack in the miners case. thats the same as claimin me recordin an s9 video through the fins of the fan is classified as a tear down. thats retarded!

ne way to my main point. i told him to put him money where his mouth it and get me one of these miners. i will even pay for a new one once it arrives. i would then tear it down fully and upload all the pics and videos for everyone to see. if its legit i would fully come out sayin im sorry and i was wrong....he replied back sayin i could buy the one he shows in the videos to finally end this "harassment". i emailed him usin the address he provided and was shocked to find out he wanted me to pay him $4700 for the machine he got for free and that isnt even confirmed to be an actual miner yet. he has since stopped replyin to me but at 4700 at the current diff it would take almost 3 years to roi. thats not takin into account increases in diff and the simple fact that no one even knows if this is a real miner.

if u watch his video u will see a standard pc power cord being plugged into the internal psu floatin in the center of the box. this means a specialized power cord wasnt needed like they claimed. u can also see how he avoids showin what he "thinks is the controller" on the other side of the miner. thats a pretty important part but he doesnt show it in his so called "tear down" video. if that wasnt enough everyone should note that these miners dont have a web interface. u cant configure the miner. u have no control over the machine what so ever. in order to do ne "configuration" u have to login to asicminers website using a login code printed on a sticker inside the miner. thats important because if the company runs away again how do u configure ur so called miner?? u cant login locally like u can with every other miner on the market. come to think of it has there ever been a miner that u couldnt config locally?? besides hosted or cloud miners of course....but physical hardware always has the config controlled locally via a controller or ur pc.

also what miner in the history of miners has had as little coverage as these have?? what miner havent been taken apart?? what miner has been "shipped all over the world to many many customers" with not one of those customers posting about them?? there is 0 info about these machines that everyone except folks in china can purchase it seems. this dude even told me people tell him all the time about their miners arrivin but those people have yet to post a single word confirmin these claims hes makin?? not 1 person?? really?? how is that possible??

based on the specs of the miner its pretty large. it also says it has the exact same number of chips in the unit as an antminer s9. since size doesnt really matter when it comes to liquid cooling why is so much free space bein created in a miner they claim is for datacenters and has the ability to pack lots of hashrate into a tiny package?? to me the design looks like it provides very little miner density. they could have used a design similar to the antminer C1 that had everything in a nice neat package or make a slightly larger enclosure to mount everything in that. instead they made this big box with tons of wasted free space in it.

why did they send him a review machine too? he has no cred in this community. reddit has dogged him for his ignorance in the past as well so y wasnt a trusted third party reviewer chosen instead of this clown? he didnt even review it. he recorded himself walkin around the box a few times and turnin the fans on. other than that he showed us nothing of value....except maybe the whole cloud config nonsense. i just hope he remembers that profiting from a scam isnt legal in the us especially if ur helpin push the scam onto others. he just wants to make a few bucks from sellin hardware that is unknown.

im still lookin to tear one of these down so if ne one has one please lmk. im tired of goin back and forth with retards that are clearly tryin to gain from somethin they know is an elaborate scam. this will continue to be one until proven otherwise which hasnt happened in the months they have claimed to be shippin them out so i dont see that changin now. hopefully we see someone actually tear the machine down and show all of us what is really goin on inside that machine because this dude sure as hell isnt willin to do ne thing in a legit way.
Activity: 4256
Merit: 8551
'The right to privacy matters'
40 th and 2100 watts?

4500 usd?


I can get 2 innosilicon t2 turbos.

Cost is 3600 on a cc with six months no interest.

That includes shipping.
so if your shipping is included I paid 900 less for 54 th using 3500 watts.

You are 40 th at 2100 watts.

So I use 1400 watts more and I am louder.

In a day that is about 33 kwatts in a month 1000 kwatts at 10 cents that is 100.

So for the first nine months my extra power is paid for.

And I have an extra 14 th Mining for those 9 months.

That is worth 4 a day or 1080.

So at nine months you are 1080 behind maybe less.

After nine months your gear looks better.

Nine months is a long time in crypto .

But you are the only person that shows the gear.

I wish more people I knew had the gear.

For now I will do cc and get innosilicon t2 turbo
Activity: 102
Merit: 28
Guys here is the inside of the ASICMiner 8 nano compact that is using a liquid cooled water system for bitcoin mining and asic hardware.

Here is the Youtube Video of the tear down of ASICminer 8 nano compact bitcoin miner:

If you do purchase this unit and want to save $100 make sure to use my coupon code and link to checkout below:

Finally I have had time to tear down this liquid cooled asic miner and show you guys how it is working! This is a pretty cool liquid cooled bitcoin mining machine. This is some amazing new tech for bitcoin mining!

***I am not a financial adviser. This information is for educational purposes only. ***

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