I wanted to join the WAVES movement but I am now a bit sceptical if it's not too late. Will WAVES become WCT?
The Waves Community Token (WCT) is intended to provide a tool for community assessment of crowdfunding campaigns launched on the Waves platform and incentivize long-term holding by providing an additional income stream for WAVES token holders in the form of regular asset distributions. WCT will be a virtual community organization. It will be launched in several stages based on the technical maturity of the Waves platform.
Projects launching tokens on the Waves platform can request different services, exchanging these for a certain share of their overall token issue, which will be distributed to WCT asset holders as rewards.
Really if you want to encourage people 'long-term holding' then deliver on what was said in development.
Using a token that is handed out for free for just holding waves doesnt make too much sense.
If it's for further develop of the platform then so be it ...