This guy is not even from Sweden. He seems to be from a third world country asking people for 30 Iban numbers every day to send 500$ to each. Money is apperantly from bookies but it all seems very weird and not very trustworthy. He would like you to open an escrow and deposit your crypto there to hold the money and he needs a new iban number for every payment. Once confronted he gets really mad which is why i would actually probably be careful.
This has a very big sense of credit card fraud done on bet365 and multiple accounts and cashed out to your bank account. OP uses a fraudalent full name and picture is taking online as well! A lot of red flags be careful! Whenever you ask him a normal question to make sure he is legit he calls you a timewaster and in broken english explains that you don’t deserve this opportunity. OP can’t speak swedish either and uses google translate.
Take care out there!
Best regards