He is cheap! I start@ 1k setup fee 600 yr @ for base config ! You want wordpress, shopping cart , auto shipping calculations, digital downloads, newsletter, blog, custom Design, content management, member zones, affiliate/partner program, seo services... yada yada yada
guess for your 10 minutes and a 45$ template you can maybe convince yourself to walk with a limp but after looking around and a few seconds you will want to just let someone ele do it so you can fixate on sales.. People dont wanna learn html /css or php or deal with apache.. they are happy to learn to install a wordpress plugin!
Most people arent looking for 1.99$ hosting and every unlimited feature known to mankind.. They want something thats well designed, is functional, scalable, cross platform, and is ready right away!! (haha) Most of all they will pay for someone else to do it!!!! If you mix in other services you can play to a niche market and offer bundled services and it will make you very appealing... Maybe not to the people here but trust me..
he's cheap!
Good luck velacreations!!!