I've website | banner traffic for sell.
- Pop-up allowed
- Tons of ads are allowed
- Adf.ly and other kind of url shortenner are allowed
- PTP websites are allowed to
- Prices
- 1'000 hits 0.30$
- 2'500 hits 0.60$
- 5'000 hits 1.00$
Traffic source: bit.ly / goo.gl or direct
F.A.QQ: Can user see my website \ Banner?
A: Yes! And user will see your ad.
Q: Where you will share my website \ Banner??
A: In my New DOGEcoin clicker.
User can see ad for average 15-20 seconds (can be changed if you will request)
REMEMBER USER CAN SEE YOUR AD MORE THAN ONE TIME (at now in beta it is 10-20 times per 1k)(if you want i can change script. Then user will se your ad only once.)
Are you interested?
pm me in:
BitcoinTalk messenger
Email (recommended):
[email protected]Telegram:
[email protected]