Site's working fine for me. Don't worry too much about the design elements, anyone serious enough to prospect for the idea can look past design and presentation - of course, this doesn't mean you shouldn't make it friendlier to navigate, faster to load.
Seems pretty clear to me what the site does. Plenty of threads on this forum for people looking for devs (and devs looking for work). So there's definitely demand.
You did quote some big names there as your clients such as Samsung, Uber, Tinder etc. but at the same time saying here that you have just launched your own startup. I think that is contradictory except there is more that I am not privy to from here. Also, there is no clear distinction about whether the site is a platform where people can collaborate or just a freelancing site that people come to hire developers for their projects. The objective needs to be fully clear.
Names like that work to pull in some attention, but be prepared to back it up with actual portfolio references. You'd be surprised just how many claims are made out there in this space, and how many don't actually bear any weight.
Just need to look back on some truly embarrassing retractions made even by multi-million dollar crypto startups, to see the repercussions of this.
Your work is your CV. You do need a track record, but you don't need to have done it with big names.