Outcome will be determined by whether the closing price is higher or lower on March 4 than what it opened at on February 29.
In the event of no change in price, bets will be refunded.
Silver ounce per USD as reported by kitco.
Starting price is 2016-02-26 closing price
Closing price published on 2016-03-04
Bets close 2016-02-02 23:55 EST
Outcome determined 2016-02-05 00:00 UTC
This week's bet pages:
Gold: https://www.betmoose.com/bet/gold-price-prediction-week-08-1680?ref=MasterShake
Silver: https://www.betmoose.com/bet/silver-price-prediction-week-08-1681?ref=MasterShake
I kinda messed up the content of the proposition, I'll get better at this as time progresses.
Good luck!