
Topic: Weekly tech roundups from the COTI Dev team (Read 98 times)

Activity: 72
Merit: 27
The developers team of COTI is basically focusing right now on these points:

1. The ITS (Initial Trust Score) are continuously improved which increases the full capacity of the consumers and merchants to have the trade of the
    product between them.
2. The Variables used for ITS improvements in real-time adjustments.
3. Exploring efficient ways for mining the COTI coins.
4. Modifying the Trust Score distribution to correlate with consensus algorithm.
Activity: 426
Merit: 10
Coti - Currency Of The Internet

During the last week, the COTI research and development team built upon the  progress made in the last months and has been working full-force to  implement the COTI alpha net.

  • We have made some modifications to the ITSA (Initial Trust Score) to make  our algorithm consistent with the agreed upon list of parameters and to  make it more applicable to merchants.
  • We  have defined the first version of the TrustScore API, which handles  communications between the TrustScore Server, Full Nodes, and wallets.  The first release of our ITSA/ITSU frontend interface is now internally  available.
  • We continued modeling research for the ITSU update in the following ways:
  • Finding and collecting data from real payment systems in order to run simulations with it.
  • Defining the ideal parameters for ITSU real time adjustments.
  • Exploring efficient ways to optimize the algorithm.
  • Optimizing the algorithm ML and weights.
  • Modifying the resulting TS distribution to correlate with our consensus algorithm.
  • Development  on our first release of TrustScore nodes is currently running in full  mode. We have made significant progress towards proving how Trust Score  (TS) nodes calculate Trust Scores. We are currently developing the TS  Nodes in a way that will enable us to prove how TS nodes can compute the  Trust Score of a user from the last Clusterstamp. In this way, any user  can query his or her TS and receive proof on how it was calculated from  the TS node.
  • If  the various queried TS nodes produce different TS results, it will be  easy to verify which one is correct as the proof with the longest  calculation will be the correct one. False transactions not included in  the Cluster, or incorrect parameter changes (not on the ledger system)  will also be identifiable.
  • We continued intensive work into our first merchant integration solution.  The solution consists of our first frontend web application, the COTI wallet, and a backend COTI layer, which will serve both the wallet  application and third party API calls from merchant backend servers.
  • Our research and development team continued work towards finalizing the  first iteration of the COTI base protocol. There has been a great deal of alpha net development progress and more to come in the upcoming weeks.

Our limited community pre-sale registration starts May 21 at 7 AM (UTC). The full details will be out in our newsletter and in the COTI Telegram group. Be sure to spread the word to your circles.

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