I saw all kinds of crazy and interesting things made for Bitcoin but I never expected to find Bitcoin wallets like this, that are far from being a standard.
This topic will be dedicated for all the strange wallets that can be very unsecure and most of them I don't recommend using in every day life.
Emoji Bitcoin wallet is using emojis instead of boring standard 12 seed words and it's made by Stepan Snigirev as open source fun project.
Interesting thing is that emooji mnemonic seed is compatible with Electrum wallet and you can easily generate them using their web page.
Problem is there are many similar emojis for different platforms so you can easily make a mistake and lose access to your funds.
Use this wallet only for fun and educational purposes!
Border Wallets is a new way to quickly and reliably memorise Bitcoin seed phrases.
I usually don't recommend people to trust so much in their brain and memory knowing how fragile they can be, but this sounds like an interesting project and it can be use when you need to temporary remember your seed words.
It can be useful when you are moving to different country and crossing border, but you still need to learn how Border Wallets system work.
Border Wallets project is aimed at people who:
- have difficulty/concerns with securely caching physical seed backups (evil maid attack)
- want to memorise their seed words but struggle to do so
- want to carry their seed words with them at all times
- have limited access to trusted 3rd parties
- live in areas of conflict, war zones, etc.
- regularly travel or move around
- have no permanent fixed abode.
They claim you can memorise your seed phrase in under 10 seconds, by downloading EGG (Entropy Grid Generator) random grid of all 2048 seed words, and following instructions to verify latest release.
Downloaded .html file should than be moved to offline airgapped machine, that can later be used for generating your own custom Patterns.
I still didn't generate or test my own Border Wallet, but it looks like interesting project that can be used by everyone.
Using this wallet needs a learning curve and I would like to see it being tested by more security experts.
More wallets could be added in future, and you are welcome to make your suggestions.