Thanks for the warm welcomes! Especially 556j!
Let me take some time to address your questions one at a time:
1) I won’t discuss issues of salary other than to say you have your figures wrong and I'm a US citizen so no green card necessary.
2) You don’t seem to know what that word “literally” nor “slave” means. When used correctly "slave" means a person entirely under the domination of some influence or person" For example, "He was a slave to his own insecurities." According to its dictionary definition, "literally" means "exactly, virtually, without exaggeration or inaccuracy" For example, "556j's dick was literally the size of a peanut."
3) I was hired because I was exactly the type of person BitInstant wanted for the role. I have experience both in tech startups, finance, customer service and foreign translation. I also have a sense of humor and a thick skin when it comes from getting flack from haters. And, while my gender wasn't a factor in the hiring process, I happen to have awesome tits.
4) On the Pirate situation: Obvious scam is obvious. New technology should make people's lives easier but people still need to use their brains and common sense.
5) On CoinBase: I’m not aware of their long-term business strategy, but it’s almost certainly better than pirate’s.
6) I think I know what I got involved with. It’s basically PayPal for non-statists, right?
Also, if you’re rude again, don’t expect an answer. Let's keep it classy.
Well, congratulations to Rachel for getting
the job, and to Bitinstant for hiring
exactly the right person.