
Topic: Welcome to CoreBNB - Hyper defination Innovative Staking! $CBN -BSC Token (Read 55 times)

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🔱 Welcome to CoreBNB - Hyper defination Innovative Staking! $CBN -BSC Token

Profit from the CoreBNB main ecosystem.
Gain broad and diversified exposure to the CoreBNB ecosystem through the purchase of a single index token.

CoreBNB is the protocol that develops and governs index products such as the CoreBNB Index.

CoreBNB DAO is the DAO that develops and governs index products such as the  CoreBNB Index.

The DAO aims to:

1. Simplify participation in the CoreBNB ecosystem or institutions, whales, and retail.
2. Always provide value to its users, and members of the CoreBNB ecosystem.
3. Grow the protocol to become self-sustaining. 

🔄Contributing to the DAO
Users can contribute to the DAO by:

1. Buying and locking the . This locked $CBN will grant the locker token utilities.
2. Contributing to DAO working groups.


-Token Utility-

Locking the $CBN token for vlCBN grants access to:

- Fee distribution. A portion of protocol revenue is distributed to CBN lockers.
- Governance. Vote to update, change, and revise protocol system parameters.
- Boosted Index returns. Holding CBN + any CoreBNB Index = increased Index APR!

We designed the CoreBNB DAO tokenomics to foster DAO growth and reward $CBN lockers, those most committed to the long-term vision of the protocol. We set four goals to maximize value for $CBN lockers:

-Encourage and reward DAO participation.
-Encourage CBN buy pressure.
-Encourage locking.
-Decrease sell pressure.

💎Deflationary Token Flywheel
A user who purchases and locks CBN can earn idxCBX. Similarly, a user who purchases and stakes idxCBX can earn CBN. This creates tokenomics that are sustainable and deflationary.

Locked $CBN  earns idxCBX from fee distributions. Staked idxCBX earns CBN rewards.

Users buy CBN.
Users lock CBN to earn vlCBN. This reduces the circulating supply.
Users earn idxCBX from fee distribution.
Users stake idxCBX to earn CBN.
Users lock their newly earned CBN to repeat the cycle.

-vlCBX Token Utilities-

Fee Distribution

1. The CoreBNB Index collects a 15% fee on harvested rewards as the main revenue stream.
2. A portion of revenue is used to cover protocol expenses such as deployment, staking, harvesting, and claiming.
3. All profits are then distributed to vlCBX holders as 3CBN.*
4. Users can redeem 3CBN for USDC, USDT, or DAI from CoreBNB’s 3pool.

*Once the CoreBNB Index token (idxCBX) is launched, profits will be distributed in idxCBX.

📈Boosted Index Rewards

Once idxCBX is released, vlCBX will boost idxCBX staking rewards.

Users buy idCBX to gain exposure to the CoreBNB Index.
Users buy and lock CBX to earn vlCBX.
Users earn CBX from boosted idxCBX staking rewards.

vlCBX will be used to create and vote on DAO proposals. A soon-to-be-released DAO constitution will define the proposal process.

✅-CoreBNB Index-

What is the CoreBNB Index?

The CoreBNB Index instantly grants a user diversified exposure to a portfolio of CoreBNB strategies through a single CoreBNB Index (idxCBX) purchase.

1. User purchases idxCBX with stablecoins.
2. Stablecoins are pooled and deposited into a portfolio of risk-assessed CoreBNB strategies.
3. Strategies generate returns in the form of reward and incentive tokens.
4. Reward and incentive tokens are harvested.
5. idxCBX accrues value over time.

Benefits of the CoreBNB Index

The CoreBNB Index has financial properties that vastly improve the performance of almost any portfolio:

- Instant portfolio diversification. The CoreBNB Index is comprised of a variety of CoreBNB positions. Purchasing idxCBX grants you exposure to all of the strategies within the index at once.

- Reduced gas fees. Creating a diverse portfolio of CoreBNB Positions yourself would be costly, requiring gas fees for each and every transaction (50+!) the index performs. Instead, a user pays just a single gas fee for purchasing the index token.

- Secure, risk-adjusted strategies. Each active strategy within the index is heavily screened through a rigorous risk assessment process before each capital deployment, saving users the headache of manually vetting strategies before each and every deposit.

- Secure, stable returns. The CoreBNB index favors stable and steady returns over risky degen yields.

- Low correlation to DeFi blue chips, BTC/ETH, S&P500. This lowers portfolio volatility, even during bearish market conditions.

- High sharpe ratio. This demonstrates a low-risk portfolio performance with secure and steady returns. 
The CoreBNB Index greatly simplifies and reduces costs vs. DIY’ing a diversified CoreBNB portfolio.

✅idxCBX - The CoreBNB Index Token

A single purchase of the index token (idxCBX) instantly grants a user exposure to all of the currently active CoreBNB strategies within the index. 

This instantly grants a user a completely risk-adjusted, diversified portfolio through a single transaction.

❇️Fee Distribution
 cICBX Holders earn stablecoins from protocol profits. Fees earned can be claimed from CoreBNB DAO.

🏷Claiming Fee Distributions

1. Visit CoreBNB DAO.
2. Click “claim” from the ‘Fees Earned’ box.
3. Approve the transaction in MetaMask.

❓How Fees are Earned

1. The CoreBNB Index collects a 15% fee on harvested rewards as the main revenue stream.
2. A portion of revenue is used to cover protocol expenses such as deployment, staking, harvesting, and claiming.
3. All profits are then distributed to vlCBX holders as 3CBN.*
4. Users can redeem 3CBN for USDC, USDT or DAI from CoreBNB’s 3pool.

*Once the CoreBNB Index token (idxCBX) is launched, profits will be distributed in idxCBX.

Each protocol harvest earns reward tokens from active strategies, which are accrued as fees to be distributed.

Harvested rewards can be viewed from the new CoreBNB Dashboard.

⚡️How are Fees Are Calculated

Each weekly epoch begins and ends on Wednesday at 8 pm EST.

A user’s vlCBX balance is checkpointed at the start of each weekly epoch, and the amount of earned fees a user will be distributed is calculated at the end.

Only vlCBX locked before the epoch (I.E. this Wednesday, 8 pm EST) will be used to calculate earned fees, claimable upon the next weekly epoch (I.E. next Wednesday, 8 pm EST).

All vlCBX holders receive fee distributions pro-rata to vlCBX total supply

🔰Maximum Supply
Total Supply is 235,394,101 $CBN.

Liquidity Provider rewards for the CBX/USDC Curve pool will be paid in CBX. Rewards are issued with a liquidity gauge, keeping the doors open to earn additional CBX and CBX rewards in the future.

Other rewards include rewards for public Liquidity Mining, rewards for community initiatives and rewards for CoreBNB Contributors.


The CBX token can be locked for 1 week to 4 years to enable the following features:

- DAO voting
- Index boost
- Fee distribution

🕊2022 Roadmap🕊

Phase 0: Foundation

Establish DAO Treasury
Convex Index Litepaper Release

Phase I: Release

DAO Launch
CoreBNB Index Launch

Phase II: Upgrad

Fee Distribution
Index Token Launch

Phase III: Scale

Cross-Chain Expansion
Launch New Enhanced Indices

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